Below are items to complete for our second class session: Thursday, Sept. 3. These should be completed before Tuesday, Sept. 8, , 10 am.

  1. Read again the  assignment, Time Capsule Post: Your Semester Goals (due on Tuesday, Sept. 8) Note: you have a week to do this one!
  2. Watch this video about how to make a”post” on the OpenLab. You are not posting on the discussion board! I also discuss the assignment.
  3. Read this short article by Mike Bunn “How to Read Like a Writer” and the instructions for suggested annotation techniques.
  4. Make sure to do the Time Capsule Post which is your  Participation Activity!


Participation Activity

(Due before 10 am, Tuesday, Sept. 8 for Session 3 Participation Activity Credit)

Post your Time Capsule Assignment as a post on the OpenLab.

The Time Capsule assignment is here. (also listed above)

Instructions for how to post on the OpenLab are here. (also listed above)

Questions about something on our TO-DO List? Email me anytime at: 

We can also meet online for office hours on Zoom or on email.