L to R: Jason Ellis, Emily Hockaday, and Trevor Quachri in front of the Library’s large display case.
On December 3, 2019, Prof. Jason Ellis, Analog Science Fiction and Fact Editor Trevor Quachri, and Analog Managing Editor Emily Hockaday installed library exhibits in support of the upcoming 4th Annual City Tech Science Fiction Symposium on Thursday, Dec. 12 [watch videos of the symposium here].
Librarian Morris Hounion and the City Tech Library’s Exhibit Committee were kind enough to offer us all four entrance displays–the large display outside the library and the three smaller displays inside the library’s entrance.
The exhibits were a collaboration between City Tech and Analog Science Fiction and Fact. City Tech Student Design Intern Julie Bradford created the symposium poster, Prof. Ellis designed posters on the City Tech Science Fiction Collection and the history of the City Tech Science Fiction Symposium, Analog designed posters highlighting the symposium speakers, a timeline of the magazine’s long history, and Analog supplied the cover artwork that fills in the background of each display case. Artifacts in each case were pulled from the City Tech Science Fiction Collection, including the Jan. 1934 issue of Astounding.

Main Display case highlighting the 4th Annual City Tech Science Fiction Symposium in celebration of 90 years of Analog SF.