Analog Science Fiction and Fact magazine launched a new award today called The Analog Award for Emerging Black Voices. It is intended to recognize the work by writers who customarily identify as Black and are at the beginning of their careers.
Instead of simply purchasing and publishing the winning story, Analog is going further by providing mentoring, advice, and networking opportunities for the winner. This is a tremendous opportunity that I would encourage eligible hard science fiction writers (including those who are City Tech students with writing aspirations) to send their work for consideration. Submissions are accepted from May 14-July 23, 2021.
The winner and finalists will be announced at the next City Tech Science Fiction Symposium in late Fall 2021! Stay tuned for the next symposium’s call for papers.
Read the poster above or text below for all of the award’s details:
The Analog Award for Emerging Black Voices
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
Any writer over 18 years of age who customarily identifies as Black, has not
published nor is under contract for a book, and has three or less paid fiction
publications is eligible.Logistics
Submissions will be open from May 14th – July 23rd to works of hard science
fiction of greater than 1,000 words but not over 5,000. Finalists and the
winning author will be announced at and in partnership with the Annual City
Tech Symposium on Science Fiction.Judging
A diverse committee of science fiction professionals will judge. The panel for
2021 is: Steven Barnes (Lion’s Blood), Nisi Shawl (Writing the Other), Kim-Mei
Kirtland (Howard Morhaim Literary Agency, Inc.), Trevor Quachri (Analog
Science Fiction and Fact), and Emily Hockaday (Analog Science Fiction and
Fact, Asimov’s Science Fiction). Finalists will be chosen and awarded one
mentorship session with Analog editors including a critique of their submission
and a chance to ask questions about the field.Award Winner
With editorial guidance, Analog editors commit to purchasing and
publishing the winning story in Analog Science Fiction and Fact, with the
intent of creating a lasting relationship, including one year of monthly
mentorship sessions. These sessions will be opportunities to discuss new
writing, story ideas, the industry, and to receive general support from the
Analog editors and award judges.Submit
Submissions will be read blind. Please remove all identifying information from
the document before sending it. The file name should be the title of the
story. Submissions should be .doc files and follow standard manuscript
format. In the body of your email, please include a short cover letter with
your contact information, address, the name of your entry, and a statement
of interest describing eligibility. Stories can be submitted here: