About the Collection
Brooklyn or Bust: Bringing the SF Collection to City Tech [PowerPoint Presentation], https://dynamicsubspace.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/collection-presentation.pptx
Free Speculative Fiction Online, http://www.freesfonline.de
AboutSF, http://aboutsf.com
The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, http://www.sf-encyclopedia.com
The Internet Speculative Fiction Database, http://isfdb.org
The Locus Index to Science Fiction, http://www.locusmag.com/index/
MathFiction, http://kasmana.people.cofc.edu/MATHFICT/
Science Fiction Awards Database, http://www.sfadb.com
The Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database at Texas A&M, http://sffrd.library.tamu.edu
UNZ.org – Periodicals, Books, and Authors, http://www.unz.org
Sample Science Fiction, ENG 2420 Syllabus, Prof. Aaron Barlow
List of Books for Science Fiction, ENG 2420, Prof. Aaron Barlow
[ENG 2420: Science Fiction course sites, Professor Jill Belli]
ENG 2000: Perspectives in Literature (Utopias & Dystopias), Spring 2014, Professor Jill Belli
ENG 2001: Introduction to Literature: Fiction, Fall 2017, Professor Jill Belli (centered on utopias, dystopias, apocalypse, & storytelling)
Sample Science Fiction, ENG 2420 Syllabus (OER Yet Another Science Fiction Textbook, YASFT and ZTC readings), Prof. Jason W. Ellis
Sample Science Fiction, ENG 2420 Syllabus (using the Wesleyan anthology), Prof. Jason W. Ellis
Sample Science Fiction, ENG 2420 Syllabus (using public domain and online readings), Prof. Jason W. Ellis
Science Fiction Definitions with Citations Handout, Prof. Jason W. Ellis
“Science Fiction Courses: An Example and Some Alternatives,” Stanley A. Schmidt, former editor of Analog Science Fiction and Fact, included with permission of the author
Yet Another Science Fiction Textbook (YASFT), Prof. Jason W. Ellis (This is an open educational resource or OER, meaning it is freely available for anyone to use and learn with. It provides a chronological history of Science Fiction (SF) with an emphasis on literature and film, and it includes other useful resources, such as a glossary of terms, an extensive list of SF definitions, additional resources, a syllabus with hyperlinked readings available online, and video lectures. It is released with an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Creative Commons License.)