Class Info

  • Course Goals: To familiarize students with the field of illustration including its basic working methods, industry practices, basic history and philosophies. Artistic techniques will be taught as well, however this is a class focused on concept generation, and the creation of thoughtful illustrations, as opposed to a drawing or painting technical course.




  • To familiarize students with the objectives of the course.
  • To establish working practices and clarify expected outcomes.
  • To introduce the basics of illustration working practices.
  • To introduce concept generation techniques.


Online Course structure and Expectations


  • What is Illustration?   
  • Illustrator as visual problem solver
  • Working Process: Where to begin?  Brainstorming & Research Techniques

In Class Demo 

Celestial Seasoning Tea is known for its highly illustrated unique tea boxes.

  • Brainstorm concepts and sketching for a new illustration for Raspberry Zinger

Review Assignments and Expectations for Next Week’s Class

Due Next Week

  • Assignment 1 – Product Design- Celestial Seasonings Tea Packaging Illustration
    • Part 1 of 5 due next week – Brainstorm, research, and thumbnails
  • Sketchbook Exercise Week 1 : Meet the Artist
  • Reading Week 1 : 5 Steps to Developing a Sketchbook Practice
  • Join this Openlab Site
  • Purchase Art Supplies from the syllabus list
  • Create an avatar/image for zoom, or appear with your camera on next time.
    No black screens with names.
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