Intro – Luis Peguero


My name is Luis Peguero, I’m majoring in Computer Information Systems but my goal, once I get my associate, is to leave to flight school to become a commercial airline pilot. I had this dream since I was little and I am getting a lot closer to fulling it and it makes me kinda proud of myself.

During my winter vacation, I just stayed at home and played video games with my friends. Being an online student especially in asynchronous classes have helped me a lot cause I get to learned well I feel the urge to learn, usually with going to school I kinda had to force myself, had to fight through the tiredness so I could go the class and do work but asynchronous allowed me to learn at my own pace.

I used this picture because I honestly didn’t know what picture to use. Most other pictures I have are screenshots from my flight simulator or clips from me and my friends when we are joking around. But she really helped me a lot last year especially at the beginning of the year.


  1. Sarah Schmerler

    Luis P,
    First off, I would be totally interested to see a picture from a flight simulator, or to hear more about what it takes to be a pilot.
    Confession: I am afraid to fly.
    Who is in the picture?
    Welcome, and I hope the worry fades.

    • Luis Peguero

      That is my girlfriend in the picture, at the beginning of the pandemic I was very close to losing a loved one and she did help me a lot of push through that. I’m sure you heard a lot of flying is the safest mode of transportation well at because of the training for pilot. First, you have to get your Private Pilot license after that you’ll need to get your Multi-engine license both of those licenses take around 125 days to acquire. After that, you need your Instrument rating meaning you’re able to fly in low visibility with the plane’s instrument. Then you finally get the commercial pilot license meaning you are able to fly an aircraft for money but you are required to have 1,500 flight hours before an airline even considers hiring you. this means you will have to become a flight instructor but for that, you need your CFI/MEI/CFII certifications. After that, you’ll be able to get hired by a regional airline because airlines like American or Delta will not hire a newly certified pilot. From Zero to Captain at a major airline, it will likely take 15 years. Sorry for the long comment it just something I am really passionate about.

      • Sarah Schmerler

        No “sorry.” It is all interesting. Being passionate about something means you stick with it, no matter what. That is a good thing, and is especially good when it comes to learning, I have found. If a student has a real interest in a topic or thing, they will want to go further and learn.

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