Author: Kenneth Marshall (Page 1 of 2)

Brain/Storm Assignment -Kenneth Marshall

I think an “area of mastery” is tough to consider when reflecting on some of the hobbies and activities I do but my interest reach a full spectrum of people I believe. I mentioned in a previous assignment that one thing I like to do is read manga and watch anime. I find it to very interesting and unique in being able to portray lighthearted comedy to dark political commentary. My other favorite hobby that ties in to the first is movies. I enjoy watching and learning about the background of movies. When you to take the time to learn about all the moving pieces that are crucial to creating giant blockbuster movies, you really appreciate more. My last interest consistently belongs to sports, being enamored with games like basketball, football and soccer. I enjoy seeing the amazing feats these athletes perform as well as the competition factor.

During my research I noticed that some controversy span both the portrayal of a character and whether it was believable in a space of art, and how actors playing dark and disturbing character change how a viewer may view the world. This made me think,

  • How often if at all do actors receive therapy?

When it comes to sports I noticed that a lot of controversy came from the responsibilities of leagues and the government to take action when athletes commit a crime as well as when giant organization like the NFL and the MLB fail to act in a way that counteracts their community first initiatives. This made me reflect on my own ties and ideas to these leagues and I came up with,

  • Why does the general public hold athletes in such high esteem?
  • Do athletes have to meet and go beyond the expectations of the general public?

When it comes to anime, I found that a lot of topics ranged in depictions of women and men especially when it comes to race and sexuality. There are also threads that seem to question how some of these stories impact the development of people. I started to compare American animation to Japanese animation, and I noticed w a major difference in story development.

  • Why does western animation lack adult topics when children in eastern animation handle the situations?


Filter Bubble Response_Kenneth Marshall

From the video I’m learning how there are invisible algorithms that can dictate the way I consume information. It can stretch from the news information I search for as well as the content I consume when watching things like movies and tv shows. In my case I do think a lot of the news that tends to show up on the feed I pay attention to all have to do with something I care about. I tend to follow groups covering tech, comedy, anime, and movies so most new information gets filtered through those genres. I also imagine the friends we have play a large role in how we consume information, if you have a wide variety of friends, it can almost circumvent the algorithms. In my case one of my friends works as an E.M.T. She consistently shares intriguing stories about the medical field as well as updates on policy changes concerning my city. If friends were nonexistent, I imagine it would be difficult for people to ascertain new information that may or may not concern them in some sense I do consider myself trapped inside the filter bubble. I do investigate a range of topics but majority of the time I really care about the information that may concern me and my interest. I think the video brings up a good point about websites taking some responsibility to broaden the information that shows up on your news feed. Especially when it comes to misinformation all many people get is a poor update on why their opinion may be right.

“Excerpt from a Life”

In one part of my “literacy narrative”, I talked about my experience with the writing, in particular the way I was taught script. Although I barely use it now, I find it to be a significant moment in time when trying to understand the role writing plays.

“ I think one of the problems that hindered me was my general lack of finesse when it comes to writing. Handwritten work seems to never come out particularly well so in some sense I was discouraged by it.”

I wanted to go more in detail when explaining my feelings about writing. In my case with handwritten work most of the time it doesn’t come out perfectly, so I continue to rewrite until I deem it is suitable for viewing. But I think this is a good tie into the self-confidence that writing helps to harness. We get that sense of pride when people understand the motivation in your writing., that the words born out of your own character can reach people’s mind in a concise manner. This is what helps me to re-work and re-word continuously, I actively try to reach as many people as possible, maybe my words can breed a new perspective. When I think about writing in this sense the goal becomes clear, and it enables me to take avenues that have yet to be traveled. Besides being a tool for creativity I do find writing to be a endless chase for perfection, especially in my case.

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