
Mission Statement:
As a 24-year-old first-generation college student, I am on a journey of self-discovery and achievement, driven by passion, resilience, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Balancing full-time work as an Operations Assistant with my studies, I am committed to leveraging my Bachelor’s degree in Business and Technology of Fashion to propel my career forward in the dynamic world of fashion.

My mission is to bridge the gap between academia and industry, utilizing my education and practical experience to navigate the complexities of the fashion business landscape. With a strong foundation in business principles and technological innovation, I aspire to contribute meaningfully to the industry’s evolution while carving out a niche for myself as a leader and innovator.

As I embark on this journey, I am guided by the values instilled in me by my upbringing: hard work, integrity, and determination. I am committed to continuous growth, embracing challenges as opportunities for learning and development. Through perseverance and dedication, I aim to make a lasting impact, not only in my career but also in my community and beyond.

My portfolio serves as a testament to my journey, showcasing my accomplishments, skills, and aspirations. With each project and endeavor, I strive to demonstrate my potential, creativity, and vision for the future of fashion. Together, let us embark on this transformative journey, one step at a time, as I pursue my dreams and aspirations with passion and purpose.