BUF 2204: Global History of Dress and Textiles

Couse description:

Throughout this course, I had the opportunity to explore the captivating history of dress and textiles, spanning from pre-history to the Industrial era across various regions worldwide. Delving into garment styles, fabrics, and cultural expressions of fashion, I found myself engaged in class discussions and reflective written responses, fostering a curious mindset.

A highlight for me was the research paper and presentation, where I had the chance to analyze garments or textiles from my chosen area of study. This experience showcased my ability to critically evaluate resources and contextualize findings within social frameworks. Moreover, I gained proficiency in identifying and describing textiles and dress styles using appropriate terminology, while also exploring their social, political, and economic influences.

The required readings, including “5,000 Years of Textiles” and “Fashion History: A Global View,” offered invaluable insights, enriching my understanding and serving as essential references for my research. Overall, this course has significantly expanded my knowledge and appreciation for fashion’s cultural significance and global impact. It has left a lasting impression on my understanding of its rich heritage and relevance in today’s world.


Course Work: