Group 8

Group Assessment

  1.  Identify your responsibilities within the group: _____________________________
  2.  Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? ___ yes ____ no ____ most of them
  3. If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.
  4. Identify another group member: _________________________________________________
  5. How would you rate this person’s participation in the group?
  6. ____________________This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.
  7. ____ _______________This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved.
  8. ____________________This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did.
  9. ____ ________________This person did not contribute to the group project.
  10. If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

9 Responses to Group 8

  1. Alessandra says:

    1. Identify your responsibilities within the group: I am responsible for combing the images, radiographs and information into one power point presentation
    2. Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? NO
    3.If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.
    – I received the paper and google images from my group memebers, however did not receive the radiographs of the case we are working on.
    4.Identify another group member:
    5.How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Helpful. I spoke to him face to face and we both agreed a group meeting is necessary.
    6.This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project. not sure yet
    7.__person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved. Mo is a presented, but he is verbally involved in discussing what is going on with the progress
    8. This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did. N/A
    9. This person did not contribute to the group project. N/A
    10.If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.


  2. Alessandra says:

    I was under the impression that a REAL case presentation was to be presented and that’s what was agreed on. when I asked for the radiographs, I was told they weren’t available because our case was not from the hospital. my ideal idea for the powerpoint was to demonstrate the difference between the normal images vs the case images. I wanted to clarify with the professor, but didn’t have the chance to. will follow up….

  3. kjohansen says:

    1. Identify your responsibilities within the group: Present our project to the class.
    I also helped add members to our forum on open lab and helped the writer find the outline for the essay’s format.

    2. Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? Our paper’s first draft is complete and once the PowerPoint PDF file is complete, the other two presenters and I will begin preparing for our presentation.

    3.If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks. I am waiting on the PowerPoint file to properly plan out the vocal presentation.

    4.Identify another group member: Simon Sachakov, group leader.

    5.How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Great

    6.This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project. Yes

    7.This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved. Participation was involved.

    8.This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did. All group members are contributing same workload.

    9.This person did not contribute to the group project. This person did contribute.

    10.If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here. N/A

  4. Enasha says:

    Enasha says:

    September 23, 2013 at 6:01 pm

    Group Assessment
    Identify your responsibilities within the group: Images___________________________
    Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? __ yes ____ no __x__ most of them
    If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks. Looking for the best images
    Identify another group member: Myra Lucero_______________________________________________
    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group?
    ______x______________This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.
    ____ _______________This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved.
    ____________________This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did.
    ____ ________________This person did not contribute to the group project.
    If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

  5. Alessandra says:

    September 23, 2013 at 10:13 pm

    1.Identify your responsibilities within the group: I am responsible for the PowerPoint presentation.

    2.Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? No
    If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.
    I am waiting for my group to gather the radiographs for the case we are working on and the written paper.

    Identify another group member: Simon
    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Very involved and quick to gather information.
    This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project. Yes
    This person completed all the worked assigned, but wasn’t otherwise involved. N/A
    This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did. Project still in process
    This person did not contribute to the group project. n/a
    If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here. n/a

  6. Mabuzahrieh says:

    Identify your responsibilities within the group: ________Presenter_____________________
    Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? no ____
    If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks. Because i need to wait til its due.
    Identify another group member: Sandra
    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group?
    ____________Good and very driven________This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.

    If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

  7. Mlucero says:

    Identify your responsibilities within the group:
    I set up the Open lab Group#8 forum and I took on the role of gathering research.

    2. Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? No.

    3. If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks. I seeking an interesting case that might make a good case presentation. Should have the case by week 3

    4. Identify another group member:
    Simon Sachakov

    5. How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Good

    If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.
    He is the group leader and has assign everyone to a specific task for this group project

  8. 1. Identify your responsibilities within the group:
    I took on the role of group leader as well as the task of collaborating the information into one organized case study research paper.

    2. Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? No.

    3. If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks. In order to begin the process of collaborating the information and typing up a paper I first need to obtain all the information about the case from Myra, obtain the images pertaining to the case from Enasha, and obtain information on the patient’s pathology, treatment and prognosis from Stanly

    4. Identify another group member:
    Enasha Perry

    5. How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Amazing
    This person was involved in each phase of this project from the start and did nothing but try to expedite a positive outcome for everyone in the group.

    If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.
    Enasha is an amazing addition to our group and is avidly working to secure diagnostically efficient medical imaging scans that pertain to topic we chose for our case study which was a bone Demineralizing disease called Osteopenia.

  9. 1. Identify your responsibilities within the group: ______________reseacher_______________
    2. Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? ___ yes ____ no __x__ most of them
    3.If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks Most of them , because wated to include more informations
    4.Identify another group member: ______Kirsten johansen___________________________________________
    5.How would you rate this person’s participation in the group?
    6.____________very good________This person was incredibly involved in each

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