Group 3

Group Assessment

  1.  Identify your responsibilities within the group: _____________________________
  2.  Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? ___ yes ____ no ____ most of them
  3. If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.
  4. Identify another group member: _________________________________________________
  5. How would you rate this person’s participation in the group?
  6. ____________________This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.
  7. ____ _______________This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved.
  8. ____________________This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did.
  9. ____ ________________This person did not contribute to the group project.
  10. If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

One Response to Group 3

  1. Identify your responsibilities within the group: _i am a co-writer___________________________
    Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? ___ yes ____ most of them
    If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.
    Identify another group member: _____williams____________________________________________
    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group?
    ______efficient______________This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.
    ____ __yes_____________This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved.
    ______yes he does complete his job mostly involved______________This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did.
    ____ __noone______________This person did not contribute to the group project.
    If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

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