Group 2

Group Assessment

  1.  Identify your responsibilities within the group: _____________________________
  2.  Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? ___ yes ____ no ____ most of them
  3. If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.
  4. Identify another group member: _________________________________________________
  5. How would you rate this person’s participation in the group?
  6. ____________________This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.
  7. ____ _______________This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved.
  8. ____________________This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did.
  9. ____ ________________This person did not contribute to the group project.
  10. If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

10 Responses to Group 2

  1. eseweryn says:

    Group Assessment – Group #2

    1. Identify your responsibilities within the group:

    I will do the research aspect of group 2 project.

    2. Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? ___ yes x no x most of them

    3. If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.

    I have not receive any cases yet from my group. And I did not see interesting case myself in my clinical site.

    4. Identify another group member: Kedeshia is also going to do the research.How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Good

    5. N/A Every one in this group N/A This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.

    6. N/A No one yet N/A This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved.

    7. N/A Everyone is working on it This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did.

    8. N/A Every one is doing their part This person did not contribute to the group project.

    9. If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

    Everyone in our group is still looking for interesting cases from our clinical sites.

  2. RAnthony says:

    Identify your responsibilities within the group: I am the group leader
    Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? Most of them
    If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks. Our group is still working on finding a case.
    Identify another group member: Geneen Abdallah
    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Excellent
    Geneen Abdallah was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.
    This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved. NA
    This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did. NA
    This person did not contribute to the group project. NA
    If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

  3. Aleem says:

    Group Assessment

    Identify your responsibilities within the group: _____pick case________________________
    Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? ___ yes

    If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.
    Identify another group member: renee_________________________________________________
    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group?
    great____________________This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.
    ____yes _______________This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved.
    _______yes_____________This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did.
    ____ ________________This person did not contribute to the group project.
    If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

  4. kedeshia1111 says:

    Group Assessment – Group #2

    1. Identify your responsibilities within the group:

    I will do the research aspect of group 2 project.

    2. Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? ___ yes x no x most of them

    3. If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.

    I have not received any cases yet from my group. I am looking for cases at my respective hospital as well.

    4. Identify another group member: Renee Anthony is the group leader. How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Good

    5. N/A Every one in this group N/A This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.

    6. N/A No one yet N/A This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved.

    7. N/A Everyone is working on it This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did.

    8. N/A Every one is doing their part

    9. If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

    Everyone in our group is still looking for interesting cases from our clinical sites.

  5. Account Deleted says:

    Identify your responsibilities within the group:
    I am going to compose the paper and structure it as well.

    Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you?
    Not yet. The group is looking for case

    If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.

    Identify another group member: Renee

    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group?
    shes very involved and also extremely helpful and patient among other group members.

    This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved. N/A

    This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did. N/A

    This person did not contribute to the group project. N/A

  6. Identify your responsibilities within the group: The writing portion of the presentation.
    Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? I am currently awaiting the selection of the case for the group.
    Identify another group member: Aleem
    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Actively involved.
    This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project: Renee
    This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved: N/A
    This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did: N/A
    This person did not contribute to the group project: N/A

  7. Renee I’m not sure where your outline is on this page but I have received the email and it’s very good !!

  8. Group Assessment – Group #2
    1. Identify your responsibilities within the group:
    My responsibility is to create a power point presentation with Geneen.

    2. Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you?
    We have recently found a case, just waiting on some information to get the powerpoint started.

    3. If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.

    4. Identify another group member:

    5. How would you rate this person’s participation in the group?
    Very coordinated and very involved in the group.

    6. N/A This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved.

    7. N/A This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did.

    8. N/A This person did not contribute to the group project.

    9. If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

  9. Does anyone in the group have anything to send to me yet? Perhaps Geneen and I could get this thing started !!

  10. GAbdallah says:

    Group Assessment – Group #2
    1. Identify your responsibilities within the group:
    My responsibility is to create a power point presentation with cristina
    2. Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you?
    We have recently found a case, just waiting on some information to get the powerpoint started.

    3. If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.

    4. Identify another group member:

    5. How would you rate this person’s participation in the group?
    Very coordinated and very involved in the group. leadership is amazing

    6. N/A This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved.

    7. N/A This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did.

    8. N/A This person did not contribute to the group project.

    9. If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

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