Group 8

Group Assessment

  1. Identify your responsibilities within the group: _____________________________
  2. Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? ___ yes ____ no ____ most of them
  3. If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.
  4. Identify another group member: _________________________________________________
  5. How would you rate this person’s participation in the group?
  6. ____________________This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.
  7. ____ _______________This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved.
  8. ____________________This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did.
  9. ____ ________________This person did not contribute to the group project.
  10. If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

8 Responses to Group 8

  1. Mlucero says:

    1. Identify your responsibilities within the group:
    I set up the Open lab Group#8 forum and I took on the role of gathering research.

    2. Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? No.

    3. If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks. I am on the process of collecting all information available to me from the hospital

    4. Identify another group member:
    Enasha Perry

    5. How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Excellent
    Yes, This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.

    If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.
    She is a team player and is currently gathering good images to show case our group presentation.

  2. Mabuzahrieh says:

    Identify your responsibilities within the group: ________Presenter_____________________
    Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? no ____
    If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks. Because i need to wait til its due.
    Identify another group member: Sandra
    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group?
    ____________Good and very driven________This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.

    If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

  3. Enasha says:

    Identify your responsibilities within the group: _obtain the images___________________________
    Did you complete all of the tasks assigned Identify your responsibilities within the group: _________________yes____________
    Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? __x_ yes ____ no ____ most of them
    If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.
    Identify another group member: Myra Lucero_________________________________________________
    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group?
    ________great____________This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.
    __she is in the process of doing the research__ _______________This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved.
    ____________________This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did.
    ____ ________________This person did not contribute to the group project.
    If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so you? ___ yes ____ no ____ most of them
    If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.
    Identify another group member: _______________Alessandra simari _______________________She’s responsible for power point___________
    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group?
    _______shes involved a great deal___________This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project.
    ____ ___shes going to start her part once everyone is done with their parts ____________This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved.
    ____________________This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did.
    ____ ________________This person did not contribute to the group project.
    If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

  4. Marley says:

    Identify your responsibilities within the group: 2nd Presenter.

    Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? ___ yes __x__ no ____ most of them.

    If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks: I present the project on the due date with the other two presenters.

    Identify another group member: Maira Lucero

    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Excellent. She is incredibly involved in each phase of this project.

  5. kjohansen says:

    1. Identify your responsibilities within the group: Present our project to the class.
    I also helped add members to our forum on open lab and helped the writer find the outline for the essay’s format.

    2. Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? No.

    3.If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks. I am waiting on the PowerPoint file to properly plan out the vocal presentation. Our original topic was not valid for this assignment so we must start all over again. The writer of the paper decided to used a case found from the internet instead of the case with images that Enasha retrieved. I am worried I won’t have the sufficient time necessary to prepare for the presentation. I feel this way because the PowerPoint needed in organizing the vocal presentation will not be done until a week after the paper is completed. Our paper is not complete and our project is due on October 9th. There is only 10 days to finish this project and I originally requested to the group members in the first meeting we held that I would need a week to properly prepare for the presentation (which was agreed upon).

    4.Identify another group member: Myra Lucero

    5.How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Great

    6.This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project. Yes

    7.This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved. Participation was involved.

    8.This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did. All group members are contributing same workload.

    9.This person did not contribute to the group project. This person did contribute.

    10.If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here. N/A

  6. Alessandra says:

    Group Assessment

    Identify your responsibilities within the group: to create the PowerPoint
    Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? No
    If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks.
    I received the disc with the pictures today and I will begin working on it.
    Identify another group member?
    How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Enasha was great at helping the group get everything cleared up and settle the confusion. The project is finally on its way….correctly!
    This person was incredibly involved in each phase of this project. enasha This person completed all work assigned to him/her, but was not otherwise involved. Everyone is involved in this project.
    This person completed most of the work assigned to him/her, but other group members contributed more than he/she did. Not sure bc final project is not complete.
    This person did not contribute to the group project. Everyone is involved
    If you feel the need to defend your answer to #5, do so here.

  7. 1. Identify your responsibilities within the group:
    I took on the role of group leader as well as the task of collaborating the information into one organized case study research paper.

    2. Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? Halfway Done.

    3. If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks. I have received all of the information on the case from Myra, Enasha has provided me with all of the diagnostically efficient radiographs pertaining to the case, Stanly has also provided me with information pertaining to the treatment and prognosis of pathologies such as Osteopenia. All of the necessary elements that are needed to strengthen our thesis, as well as support our foundation for the research paper are present, all that’s left is to combine them!

    4. Identify another group member:
    Stanley Dervil

    5. How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? Solid Work
    This person went out of their way to find what happens to the patient after they are diagnosed, how it is they are treated, what types of changes need to be made if any to benefit the patient, can their condition be cured? Stanley found out all of this information and made life a lot easier for all of the members of group 8.

  8. 1.Identify your responsibilities within the group: ______________researcher_______________
    2.Did you complete all of the tasks assigned to you? ___ yes ____ no __x__ most of them
    3.If either the above answer is “no” or “most of them,” explain why you could not complete all of the assigned tasks. i gave them to simon , i wating for feedback do we can get togter and decide
    4.Identify another group member: _________Enesh Perry________________________________________
    5.How would you rate this person’s participation in the group? very good

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