Tag Archives: announcements


Group meeting with Professor Vinokur at 12:45 PM TODAY in the LAB! It will only take 5-10 minutes of your time and this meeting is mandatory.

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Group Leader Meeting!

There is a MANDATORY MEETING for all Group Leaders with Professor VinokurĀ  in the Lab Room at 12:45 P.M. TODAY!

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It’s good that we have more people joining the project site!Ā And I’ve finally done some more tweaking around and now the navigation should be much better than it was before.   MAKE SURE you click on the right Week Tab! … Continue reading

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Instructions for the Site

Hey guys! First thing’s first: this is a test site for the Open Lab Case Presentation we’re all working on. I’ve tried to make some tweaks to the other site but I realized that we’re all going to have a … Continue reading

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