Instructions for the Site

Hey guys!

First thing’s first: this is a test site for the Open Lab Case Presentation we’re all working on. I’ve tried to make some tweaks to the other site but I realized that we’re all going to have a hard time posting there partly because of technical issues (don’t ask for further details if you don’t want a headache).

Secondly, there are designated tabs for each group of the project. Group members will post their reflections in those tabs AND ONLY in those tabs – not the front page. This is to prevent the announcements posted there from being flooded by everyone’s responses. 

Third, I was hoping to set up the site so that everyone can post their reflections as a blog post instead of comments but it seems that it’s not gonna happen, so we’ll just have to make do with what we got, right?

Lastly, I hope you guys find this a little easier to navigate through.

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