

Joke :)

Livewell 2

So before i took this class I began a diet using what is known as the keto method. Which is low carb , high fat and moderate protein intake diet. It has resulted in me losing 10 lbs of non water weight. It also keeps my brain from not fogging up from high glucose intake rush. Along with that the diet keeps me sated through the day. Overall on the livewell test i would be in maintenance mode.

Healthy Eating

I must admit, my eating habits are not where it should be.  I due blame school and work for having an odd schedule, but I should not let that be the only blame.  I could improve and do plan to improve my eating habits.  I do attend the gym on a daily basis, but will need for my eating habits to change. If this happens, I will see quicker results.

Live well 2

My main concern the first time I did live well was that I couldn’t manage my stress levels, but as of recent I am doing much better with handling different stressers from different aspects of my life. Therefore I feel much calmer and at ease in my mind and with my thoughts. I’m also eating alittle healthier, I’m used to eating on the go and buying food (even though it is good food just bought at a restaurant) I’m just cooking some of those foods now! 

LiveWell Session 2

My diet has been excellent. I avoid fast food.   I’m trying to consume more fruits and vegetables.

Live Well Session 2

Since completing session two I have decided to make changes.  For the past two weeks I have been walking at least 3 miles a day and I am eating more fruits and vegetables now.  I am already down 5 lbs and I am hoping to get to my goal weight by the end of this year.


Healthy Eating

Live well session 3

I have completed the live well sessions and found it to be useful in my life. I do try my best to balance my healthy eating with my junk eating from time to time. I believe I manage my stress well enough. As for my exercising, I did start from the first live well session but then I had gotten food poisoning and not too long after, a stomach virus. I thought I lost weight from these two stomach issues, but I did not 🙁 . Since this past weekend, my body is back to normal, I have started again on my exercise routine and planned to keep it come since I have a trip booked to Dominican Republic in June and a wedding in July. Need to be fit 🙂