Active Minds Story

By visiting I have quickly found the “About” page and read it. It is a sad story about what has motivated the beginning of the active minds community. As I read through, I was reassured once again that academical life of students does not change for decades. Same problems, same frustration and depression. Often, what is counted as mental illness is indeed a lack of communication and mental activism. Students are commonly seen frustrated and depressed by schools and the way educational system works. Of course this is just pure observation on my side, not statistical analysis. However, it is one of these branches, where people are most likely to deem a person as mentally ill rather than talk to her and  try to really help with real roots of the problem. As for me, by looking at the active minds web-portal, they have opened a great community of healthy expressionists and listeners. Once who need help and these who can provide help purely by being part of the community. I have notices that not only it is a great web-resource, Active Minds community is also active in physical world, by having numerous Conferences around the country.

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