Author: SIYU WU (Page 1 of 2)

E3 Draft


Reacher Essay

English 1121 (Prof. Scanlan)


The Ethics In New York Day Women

New York Day Women is short story wrote by Edwidge Danticat,a female American-Haitian novelist. In this short story author descried a daughter from a Haiti immigrant family who work as a while-collar in an advertisement company’s office,accidentally saw her mother,a woman will never shop outside of Brooklyn,now stroll in Manhattan. The curiosity force the daughter to follow her mother,then find out the hidden side of her mother. In the story the mother did many different choices compare to what she told to his daughter. The reason for change the choice is because mother have different ethics due to different relationship or condition. In other word,different relation or condition between different person will cause people apply to different ethics and lead to a different choice or even same ethics but in different answer. In order to support and explain the idea,first I will explore the scene where the daughter will not give seat to others in the subway,and the scene hit by a car in Haiti,which involve the Utilitarian Ethics. Then I will talk about the Deontology Ethics follow by mother in the scene,when she never attend to parent teacher meeting,because she doesn’t want to make her daughter feel shame. Finally it is the scene of daughter decide to give her seat out on a subway train,because the old lady remind the daughter of his mother,so she apply Virtue Ethics to make this choose.

In the story the family of the speaker (the daughter) is an immigrant family from Haiti. The mother is the first-generation immigrant and the daughter is the second generation. 2 different generation represent 2 different of life style in 2 country,American and Haiti. This cause mother and daughter have a different choice when they apply Utilitarian Ethics,benefit other and benefit self or only benefit self . As the story said,the mother mention,if you hit by a car the driver will blame you for destroy his car. life of poor is worthless in Haiti,instead of taking care of others you have to take care yourself first,this lead the mother apply Utilitarian Ethics,then lead to the choice,wait for the dispute settled before across the street in the scene of taxi driver yells to another. In the article form Grade Saver,“Krik? Krak! Summary and Analysis of “New York Day Women”” said “To Suzette’s eyes, while her mother’s body might have reached America, her heart and soul never made the trip.” Even thought the mother move to America,but sense of value which she learn never change,the result of hit by a car in Haiti made mother to wait for the dispute settled,let the car go first then across the street to make sure her safety,benefit the driver and herself. Compare to the second-generation,the daughter,what she learn is based on American culture,one things in this capitalism society is to maximum the self-profit,this why the daughter will not give her seat out on subway follow by her Utilitarian Ethics. If the daughter have the same taxi driver dispute,she is like to across the street instead of waiting as her mother. The different create by the culture this condition. As author Kristine Abrahamsson wrote in his article “Mothers and Daughters between Two Cultures in Short Fiction by Edwidge Danticat”, “The gap between the mothers and daughters were widened by the differences between Haitian and American culture and by the complexity of the political relationship between the countries.”  The gaps create by culture lead to the a different answer for the daughter and mother.

The mother never attend to her daughter’s Parent-Teacher Association meetings is the result of following the Deontology Ethics as a mother. As a parent to know about her child is a duty base on Deontology Ethics to show you care and love the child,but the mother did not  go to Parent-Teacher Association meetings in the short story also is a form of love following Deontology Ethics.  As the story set,they represent different culture,when a foreign mother join the meeting only will cause the people around her daughter feel her daughter is live in a uneducated environment and create a  stereotype to her daughter. The mother refuse to go is a action of love, to protect her daughter.  In the article form Grade Saver,“Krik? Krak! Summary and Analysis of “New York Day Women””  wrote“Suzette’s mother refusing to attend Parent-Teacher Association meetings because she doesn’t want to embarrass Suzette with her “foreignness” is another example of this love.” Sometime child feel embarrass due to they are parent different with other children,discard also is a way to protect your love. On the other hand for mother refuse to go,it is  not because the culture different apply to ethic,but  the trust between daughter and mother.   As the peer view article from Eduzaurus “Review Of New York Day Women By Edwidge Danticat” state:“It is possible that since she knew her daughter so well that nothing the Teachers can say changes her opinion of her. Suzette underestimates her mother as a person who was a shut into a person who was experience with the city.” Maybe the mother just know the daughter too well,so she decided not to go to the meeting. No matter in which way the mother love her daughter,but in 2 different way,a way of discard for protect and the way show she know her daughter well as a love of care. Both explain point to the love,which mean the mother is fulfill her duty to her child as a example to follow the Deontology Ethics.

First Page

Sean Scanlan

Reacher Essay

English 1121 (Prof. Scanlan)


The Ethics In New York Day Women

New York Day Women is short story wrote by Edwidge Danticat,a female American-Haitian novelist. In this short story author descried a daughter from a Haiti immigrant family who work as a while-collar in an advertisement company’s office,accidently saw her mother,a woman will never shop outside of Brooklyn,now stroll in Manhattan. The curiosity force the daughter to follow her mother,then find out the hidden side of her mother. In the story the mother did many different choices compare to what she told to his daughter. The reason for change the choice is because mother apply different ethics due to different relationship. In other work,different relation or condition between different person will cause people apply to different ethics and lead to a different choice. In order to support and explain the idea,first I will explore the scene where the daughter comparing her mother will not give seat to others in the subway to hit by a car in Haiti,which involve the Utilitarian Ethics and Global Ethics. Then I will talk about the Deontology Ethics follow by mother in the scene,when she never attend to parent teacher meeting,because she doesn’t want to make her daughter feel shame. Finally it is the scene of daughter decide to give her seat out on a subway train,because the old lady remind the daughter of his mother,so she apply Virtue Ethics to make this choose.

Social Media (Optional post)



Now is 2020,compare a decade,human have huge improvement in a area  about getting information. No need to buy a news paper or go to library looking for information,just go online and

search what you want . Later we also can watch news on social media while we making friends  with the person who have the same idea,same hobby. It is land of free you can post anything you like,share your thought, then you can find out other person who like you then become a group extending you circle of friends. When we are happy about social media bringing people together,but the on the other hand it is isolating us by what we want to hear and see.

People love to hear what to hear,see what they want to see. Our brain is a information filter,repel any information you are not interested. On the social media you can share your option,but  unlikely to convenience other who have the opposite idea,because  they dislike your idea and social medial for looking for people who share the same idea. No matter how,they can find the people share the same idea and get into a little group and support,repel the opposite idea.  At the end each group will be a comfort zone for people who like it and never move out,form an isolation between idea.

Research Prospectus


Research Prospectus

English 1121 (Prof. Scanlan)

4 / 27, 2020


My favorite reading in the five is the “New York Day Women” wrote by Edwidge Danticat,the reason is simple,it remind me,I might not know everything about the person who I love and the person around me,always to being stereotype to them just by their looking,way to speak,action, never truly to understand them. I must change myself to accept and understand others. The story “New York Day Women” set a stage in Manhattan of New York City,our narrator accidently saw her mother is strolling in Manhattan during her lunch time. A person who never shop outside of Brooklyn now walking in Manhattan. The curiosity force narrator to follow her mother,and find out the unknow side of her mother. In this short story there were only 2 main characters. Narrator,a daughter forma Haiti immigrant family,a white-collar work at an advertisement company. The mother of narrator,a Haiti immigrant. The story is short,but charters make many decision and choice in different situation. For example, our narrator decide to follow her mother because her curiosity,and give the sea to a pregnant lady after she change her mind because she think about her mother. The narrator mother decides to eat frankfurters which she know is not good for her high blood pressure and not to attend her daughter‘s parent teacher Association meetings,because she trust her daughter and don’t want to make her daughter feel shame because of her.

Most of choice or decision make by characters are following ethic. The narrator follows Deontology Ethics,Deontology Ethics. The mother of narrator follows Feminist Ethics and Deontology Ethics.


Journal 6

English 1121 (Prof. Scanlan)



The reading “New York Day Women” wrote by Edwidge Danticat is my favorite short story out of the 5. The reason I love it,it is because this remain me as an immigrant family,I never think about my the feeling and thought in this foreign soil about my family member,what are they doing when I did not see them,the only person I care is myself.

This short story happens in a Haiti immigrant family. Our narrator,the daughter of a Haiti mother,accidentally saw her mother,a person who never will shop outside of Brooklyn,now is strolling Manhattan,during her lunch time. The curiosity force narrator to follow her mother,and find out the unknown side of her mother.

The story is setting a stage in Manhattan,also mention narrator’s mother is a person who never shop outside of Brooklyn,as the stage in the story,Manhattan it not just a random place, it is a symbol which symbolize the hidden side of for mother and the Brooklyn is symbolize old impression. The story happen in Manhattan mean the old impression have to change,due to the narrator did not know everything to her mother.

There were 2 charters in this story the mother and daughter,an young generation and old generation,the story is based on the view point of narrator,we can see this is represent the point of view of the new generation to old generation,but the story overthrow the old impression,led to the theme of this story——the unknown side of things. Brooklyn and Manhattan,2 borough in the same city,but have a huge difference. If we compare ,Manhattan to Brooklyn, Brooklyn just like a Slumdog,the wealth in Manhattan,the poor in Brooklyn,but they are in the same New York city. Every things can have 2 side you have to know both sides to generate a none-bias  view to a thing or person, otherwise we will case a stereotype or misunderstanding.

Learning Outlet


4/30, 2020


The distance learning and home quarantine,had changed my daily schedule dramatically. Since I don’t need to spend 2 hours travel back and forth,between college and home, just turn on my computer to attend to class, instead of taking subway or bus. The extract time in my schedule gave me an opportunity to reorganize my inventory. In the pass of few years I purchase many “little toys” just because my impulse purchase. In my inventory there is a drone which I purchased 3 years ago,and flied not event an hours in this 3 years. The purpose of buying a drone it to make some interesting video and picture. Now is time to learning to make my own flying video.

Drone is great to have fun, when you just want something to fly around,but when you want to use it to take a nice video and picture, because there are a lot of think to learn. First of all,always is the law issue. In the United State drone can not fly where every you want,you can not fly 5 mile within the airport. Sounds easy right?But it is not easy for a New Yorker,New York is the center of the international air line,there are 3 huge airport, JFK, LGA, EWR, and many small airport. In other word only part of Brooklyn and Long Island allow drone fly,but just a fly under restriction. Except the area within the airport,there are many restriction area not allow drone fly around,even in some park.

Second is the drone itself,the function build in need time to learn how to correctly use it,such as Surrounding,Object of face tracking,etc. Most of the reason to learn your drone is for safety. For example, in my drone in my drone only have one object detect radar in the front which mean it only can avoid the object in forward 90 degree,when I using the Surrounding feature need to know the barrier in your surrounding area and the range in case the drone crash or lost signal cause accident.

During the quarantine,drone will be a good option to visit the world outside of your home without going out of the door.

Problem During the COVID-19 Crisis




In the first few weeks of  home quarantine,I never think about problem I will face, because I thought there were no problem need for worry. I have over 400 medical masks,food supply enough for 2 months,and enough emergency budget,no finance issue,everything looks perfect. The truth is nothing is perfect,one of the factors which I did not put into my perfect home quarantine plan is myself. In the past few weeks distance learning,no need to take MTA subway to school,no any outdoor high-intensity activity. The only outdoor activity that I had is driving,instead of walking outside this is the safest  outdoor activity during the COVID-19 crisis. Lack of enough  activity cause my body weight dramatically increase,a jump from 220lb to 230. This extra 10 pounds become a burden for my daily life,litter bit earlier, my family doctor told me that my blood pressure is high.

First I realized after I eat my lunch or dinner, I feel the size of my T shit is changed,smaller  than it used to be,and I feel my belly is hanging evening when I am seating . Later in a video chat with my father,My father said:“ Looks like you are getting a lot of weight,I can see the fat appear in your face and jaw. You have to do something.” Then I measured my body weight  ,finally realized  my body weigh is my largest cerise  during COVID-19 quarantine.

The best I can do it to increase my indoor exercise such as push up,jumping jacks, playing basketball with my neighbor‘s kids in the backyard  and the same time reduce the amount of energy that I am getting from food, hopefully my weigh will under control soon.

Essay-2-Poetry Explication Final Draft


Essay-2-Poetry Explication

English 1121 (Prof. Scanlan)

4/ 19, 2020


Explication of “Meditation on a Brooklyn Bench”


I am a worry type person, a person who worries about everything, pass,now,and future. I think at any moment that my mind is empty,think about what  I did, and what I going to do,this maybe is a kind of meditation. In the poem “Meditation on a Brooklyn Bench,” wrote by Abraham Benjamin, a lonely man looking for a quiet place and start thinking. This poem show audiences a scene of a speaker promenade on a waterfront in Brooklyn at nightfall and sat on bench,looking at the river,boats come and gone,speaker start reminiscent his years in New York,then the tide is coming.  “River”  appear many times in the poem,it is not just a river,it mean an idea,a symbol . In the poem “Covered over by the water of the East River” and “the tide coming in now,full force,danger,looking for me,”these 2 lines are the best line to explain the idea of river. Symbolism,personification,and connotation are the tools used by the author to deliver his idea.

In the first line “Cover over by the waters of East River.”  The things covered by water of East river is the memory of speaker about his wife,son,and years works in New York. The denote of the word “water”is a physical matter and memory only exit in our brain, in other word,water can not really cover memory of a man. Water is an idea it  symbolize everyone who live in New York City,the society of New York City. The thousand of people created a society,just like a thousand drops of water combine together become a stream,then streams become a river. The speaker is one of the “waters drop” in this river called New York City. In this huge river,everyone is a “water drop”,they have their own story,family,life,  but no one really know all the story of all the “water drop”. Only the “water drop” in the surface will be  see,such as a person with power,rich or in the upper class of the society. The story of “water drop” under water surface will not be heard and told,they are just nobody. Like other “water drops”, story and memory of the speak only know by himself and bury deep in the class society,  the reason for the speaker’s memory cover by water showed, he is a middle age man from low class in the New York City society,  work for a decade  but still in the same class of society.

Then the next line “tide coming in now,full force,danger,looking for me,” “tide” and  “looking” is the keyword to unfold meaning of the sentence. “Tide” is a natural phenomena that happen in sea or river,the sea level change due to the gravity of  Earth. In the poem “water” is a symbol of  New York City Society,the change or phenomenon happen in  “water” foreshadow something change in the society environment. In other word “tide” connote the change happen in the surrounding of speaker,it can be the change or physical environment or society environment. Only creature can look for something, it is one of human action, author used  personification , give “tide”a human property by the action “looking”. When you’re a looking for something,you’re target something, and the speaker will be the target of this “tide”. The word “danger” and “full force ” is the show the “tide” can be a disaster or something worse happen and coming fast,a threat is coming.

When we combine the first line and second line we can picture:a middle age man from the lower class of New York City society  feeling the change of the society or the environment  surround him,maybe he lost his job,lost his meaning of life,but he has to change to avoid the result of disaster. Every crisis is an opportunity,it depend would you like to change yourself.

“Reflection “,by SIYU,WU

In the past few weeks,I had plenty of time to play a game which I always don‘t have time to play,the “Death Stranding”. This game is from my favorite game producer Hideo Kojima. I am fan of his Metal Gear series game. Before I stat to play Death Stranding,one thing I remember is Hideo Kojima said even himself don’t what type of game this is,but it is about connecting between person to person. I did not get how can a game connect person to person. In the game player play a role as a postman to deliver all kind of order to the personspread all around the United State due to a disaster called “Death Stranding”,and connect them in to a quantum network called “Chiral Network”,in order to rebuild the United State. The game is great in all kind of way,picture quality,music,player interaction. The end of the game I am still thinking the original question what make us connect tougher, and I have the answer now,thanks the quarantine experience in past few weeks.

One key point to understand the connection is in the player interaction. In the game you need to build your own road to reach your destination,there are always trouble when you building your own road,you might not well prepared for the new journey,not enough material to build your road facility,running out of ammunition in a battle. When you are in a crisis you might always find other facility built by other player or the ammunition,material share by them to help you finish your journey. This is one way to connect by give a hand for the person in crisis. The facility you built also will help other player come to the same place,help and support each other for,the same goal connect all the player tougher.

I think it is too long for a post,so I just stop here.

Essay-2-Poetry Explication


Essay-2-Poetry Explication

English 1121 (Prof. Scanlan)

4/ 13, 2020


Explication of “Meditation on a Brooklyn Bench”  Draft


I am a worry type person, a person who worry about everything, pass,now,and future.

I think at any moment that my mind is empty,think about what  I did, and what I going to do.  I think this maybe is kind of meditation. In the pome “Meditation on a Brooklyn Bench,” wrote by Abraham Benjamin, a lonely man looking for a quite place and start thinking. This pome show  audiences a scene of a speaker promenade on a water front in Brooklyn at nightfall and sat on bench,looking at the river,boats come and gone,speaker start reminiscent his years in New York,then the tide is coming.  “River”  appear many times in the pome,it is not just a river,it mean an idea,a symbol . In the pome “Covered over by the water of the East River” and “the tide coming in now,full force,danger,looking for me,”these 2 line are the best line to explain the idea of river. Symbolism in this 2 line change the word “river” in to an idea reflected to reality.

In the first line “Cover over by the waters of East River.”  The things covered by water of East river is the memory of speaker about his wife,son,and years works in New York. In the mean of the work water have is a physical matter and memory only exit in our brain, in other word,water can not really cover memory of a man. Water is an idea it  symbolize everyone who live in New York City,the society of New York City. The thousand of people created a society,just like a thousand drops of water combine together become a stream,then streams become a river. The speaker is one of the “waters drop” in this river called New York City. In this huger river,every person is a “water drop”,they have their own story,family,life,  but no one really know all the story of all the “water drop”. Only the “water drop” in the surface will be  see,such as person with power,rich or in the upper class of the society. The story of “water drop” under water surface will not be heard and told,they are just nobody. Like other “water drops”, story and memory of the speak only know by himself and bury deep in the class society,  the reason for the speaker’s memory cover by water showed, he is a middle age man from low class in the New York City society,  work for a decade  but still in the same class of society .

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