Professor Kate Poirier | OL67 | Fall 2020

Category: Announcements (Page 6 of 11)

Announcement: WhatsApp class group

Musharrat asked last week if it was okay if students got together to discuss the course over WhatsApp. I strongly encourage this! Collaboration will definitely help you get through this course.

Musharrat has volunteered to start the gropu. Please direct message Musharrat on the OpenLab with your WhatsApp contact info if you would like to be added to the WhatsApp group.

You can see all members of our course here and click on their profiles to send them direct messages.

Remember that you are permitted to collaborate on everything in this course, except exams, which must be completed independently. For WeBWorK and other assignments, you may work together to figure things out, but any work you hand in must be your own.

Announcement: Project #1 and applications on Test #1

I’ve taken only a quick look at your Project #1 submissions so far, but I can already say…wow, these look great! It seems like the groups were very thorough and that the pairs wrote careful and clear solutions. Nice work!

FYI, I’ve stolen some of your questions/examples for Test #1, but I’ve modified them slightly (as well as the numbers) so you will have to set up and solve a differential equation for each of them. WeBWorK will randomly assign each of you only one application question. You may use your textbook, the course hub, and your classmates’ work on the OpenLab but don’t forget that you will have to defend your work at the post-test interview, so don’t write anything you don’t understand completely.

Also don’t forget that WeBWorK will show you 6 questions and you will answer only 5 of them.

Announcement: next week’s schedule

Next Tuesday, September 29 follows a Monday schedule, so we will not meet for class. Instead, during usual office hours/class time, we’ll hold an optional extra office hours session. This session will be recorded for students who can’t attend.

Test #1 will be available through WeBWorK next Thursday and Friday, October 1 and 2 (from midnight Wednesday night to midnight Friday night). Details are here; stay tuned for a post next week which will include detailed uploading instructions and the post-test interview sign-up sheet.

We will not meet for our usual Thursday class session on October 1. While you can take your test during any 2-hour window on Thursday and Friday, I encourage you to take it Thursday morning during our usual meeting time.

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