Professor Kate Poirier | OL67 | Fall 2020

Category: Announcements (Page 5 of 11)

Announcement: Test #1 grades, graded work, and comments

Test #1 grades

Your Test #1 grades are now available in Blackboard, with two exceptions:

  1. You haven’t had your Test #1 interview yet, but you’ve been in touch with me to schedule it. Your grade will appear some time after your interview.
  2. You did not include your student ID card in your scan. To get your Test #1 grade, please take another photo or scan of the first page of the test that you submitted, with your name, EMPLID, and written work visible, and with your student ID placed on top of the page. (For this step, you may submit a JPEG or PDF file.) Use the same upload link that you used to submit your test: upload here. Your grade will be added to Blackboard after I receive your photo/scan.
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Test #1 Checklist

Thursday, October 1 to Friday, October 2

Test #1 information was posted here. These are your step-by-step instructions for taking the test.

Step-by-step instructions

Summary: There are 5 steps below: (1) sign up for an interview, (2) access your questions, (3) write out solutions, (4) scan your work, and (5) submit your work.

  1. Before you take your test, sign up for a post-test interview time slot here.
    • Email me if none of the available slots work for you.
  2. Access your test questions in WeBWorK by selecting Take Test 1 test. This will probably appear near the bottom of the page.
    • Answer only 5 of the 6 questions. If you answer all 6, only your first 5 solutions will be graded.
    • Clicking Take Test 1 test generates a test for you; if you prefer a PDF of your test, after clicking on Take Test 1 test, go back to the WeBWorK landing page and click on the checkbox next to Test 1 (test 1), then on Download PDF of TeX hardcopy of selected sets.
  3. Write out your solutions to your questions on paper. Show all your work. Label your questions clearly. Include your name and EMPLID on each piece of paper.
    • You will solve a differential equation for each question. Even if you know a shortcut for solving the equation, you must show where it comes from.
    • Organize your work clearly. Suggestion: solve no more than one problem per page.
  4. Scan your work to create a single PDF of all your written work. Include your student ID card in the scan; place it on the page but make sure it’s not covering any of your work. Name your file lastnameMAT2680Test1.pdf.
    • Many of you forgot your student ID card in the practice scan assignment a few weeks ago; don’t forget it here.
  5. Submit your work: upload your written work here.

Most of the information below appears in the original Test #1 post, but is copied here for convenience.

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