Test #3

Thursday, December 3 & Friday, December 4

Test #3 will cover material from Sections 6.1, 6.3, 7.2, and 7.3.

There will be three questions: one spring question and one circuit question from chapter 6 and one series solution one from chapter 7. You will answer only two of the three questions.

Other than the number of questions, the structure of Test #3 will be exactly the same as that for Tests #1 and #2. The Test #3 checklist with interview sign-up sheet and upload link will be posted next week.

Test #3 review assignment

Due on the OpenLab Sunday, November 29

Your Test #3 review assignment is almost the same as the review assignments for Test #1 and #2 (the instructions for the Test #1 review assignment are here).

You will share your complete solution to one problem on the OpenLab. Choose one problem from:

  • the WeBWorK set Practice Springs
  • the WeBWork set Practice Circuits
  • textbook homework from Section 7.2
    • p.329: 1, 3, 8, 11-13, 19-25 odd
  • textbook homework from Section 7.3
    • p.338: 1-5 odd, 19-23 odd, 33-37 odd, 41-45 odd

(Note that the WeBWorK sets Practice Springs and Practice Circuits are optional and will not count toward your WeBWork grade)

Don’t forget to add the category Test #3 Review before you publish your post