Monday, September 28 to Sunday, October 4

Schedule changes:

  • Tuesday, September 29 follows a Monday schedule, so we will hold an optional extra problems session during our usual meeting time on Tuesday. This session will be recorded for students who cannot attend.
  • We will not meet on Thursday, October 1. Instead, you will have Thursday and Friday to take Test #1. You are encouraged to take the test on Thursday morning, but you may take it during any 2-hour window on Thursday or Friday.
  • Stay tuned for an OpenLab post with specific Test #1 instructions (like the post-test interview sign-up sheet and the link to upload your written work) early in the week.

Coming up in Week 6:

  • Project #2 due Sunday, October 11 (details here)
  • Test #1 interviews (details here)
  • Read by Tuesday, October 6:
    • 5.1 Homogeneous Linear Equations (course hub lesson here)
  • Read by Thursday, October 8:
    • 5.2: Constant Coefficient Homogenous Equations (course hub lesson here)