Category Archives: Uncategorized

ETET Peer-Advisement 2:30pm-5:30pm TODAY (02/23/20): CLOSED


With: Caroline Eco

Status: Closed

Next session information: Thursday (02/25/2020) 2:30pm-5:30pm

Skype ID: live:clineeco

Emails: or

To ensure a more dynamic and efficient session, please set up an appointment with me by sending me an email or wait until my next session. Thank you.

ETET Peer-Advisement 2:30pm-5:30pm TODAY (02/18/20): CLOSED


With: Caroline Eco

Status: Closed

Next session information: Tuesday (02/23/2020) 2:30pm-5:30pm

Skype ID: live:clineeco

Emails: or

To ensure a more dynamic and efficient session, please set up an appointment with me by sending me an email or wait until my next session. Thank you.

Internship Opportunities Available!

  1. Various Internship Opportunities Available at Citi: Click Here for more information and to apply.
  2. Restaurant Brands International: Tech Development Program (TLP), Machine Learning Intern 2021: Click Here for more information and to apply.
  3. Citi Early ID Program: Technology (Deadline Dec. 14): Click Here for more information and to apply.
  4. New York Blood Center: LFKRI – Summer Undergraduate Research Program: Click Here for more information and to apply.
  5. LifeSci NYC: Click Here for more information and to apply.

Job Opportunities Available!

  1. Publicis Sapient: Early Career Opportunities in Engineering and Technology as well as other majors.: Click here for more information and to apply.
  2. U.S. General Services Administration: Multiple Positions Available: Click here for more information and to apply.
  3. Marcy Lab School | Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation: The Breakthrough Tech Fellowship (Some CS experience):  Click here for more information and to apply.

Internship Opportunities Available!

  1. Various Internship Opportunities Available at Citi: Click Here for more information and to apply.
  2. Women Creating Change: Intern (Remote): Click Here for more information and to apply.
  3. Restaurant Brands International: Tech Development Program (TLP), Machine Learning Intern 2021: Click Here for more information and to apply.
  4. Citi Early ID Program: Technology (Deadline Dec. 7): Click Here for more information and to apply.

Toward an Alternative Hispanism: Translation and the ‘Worlding’ of Hispanofilipino Literature Presentation


Date: November 19th at 1 pm

Speaker: Marlon James Sales,  College of Literature, Science and the Arts, University of Michigan

Title: Toward an Alternative Hispanism: Translation and the ‘Worlding’ of Hispanofilipino Literature

Abstract: Please see the attached poster

Join Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 922 6808 8723Passcode: 009089

Audience arrival time: 12:45-1pm 

Presentation start time: 1pm.

Participants should mute their mics upon arrival. All are welcome!