Use direct light to do the following:

  1. 3 photos where shadows create shapes and are the main elements but not the only ones in the images
  2. 2 photos where the the subject is between you and the light source (may cause silhouette ) 
  3. 2 photos that use shadows as leading lines 
  4. 2 photos that use shadows as patterns
  5. 3 photos close up ( not so close your camera can’t focus )  showing light , shadow, texture and shape.  These are abstract images( not about a subject but just an arrangement of surfaces and shapes )
  6. 12 photos: Walk around on a sunny day and make photos that use light and shadows
  7. side light will be best for shooting your own photos

Total = 24 photos

  • Shoot with B+W setting.
  • Shoot outside, pay attention to where the shadows fall
  • There should be different light levels in each photo: some areas bright and some should be dark
  • If needed, use Exposure Compensation to make the shadows to be dark and not medium gray. Shadows should be dark without the rest of the image being too dark
  • Make each composition dynamic by using at least one of the compositional principles:

No animals, portraits, cars, water bottles, bridges over water or sunsets, electronics

Upload to flickr. HW5, 2 best to group