Category Archives: journals

Week 14 Journal – Turkeys, iThings, and Firemen

I honestly didn’t get nearly as much done this past week as I wanted – Thanksgiving travel and activities pretty much gobbled Wednesday through Sunday. I did get the strip-to-connector-cables soldering done though, and it went pretty well from what … Continue reading

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Journal Entry Weeks 12 & 13

“Some ships are designed to sink… others require our assistance.” Nathan Zelk, former RM2(SS) USS Montpelier (SSN 765) August ’93 At this point in time (December 1st) I can safely say that I still don’t know anything about the actual … Continue reading

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Week 14 Journal Entry by Frank Mason

          *Not the Hell Rabbit but I think I’m pretty close I do not know what you want me to say, this is a short week but I’ll try and make it worthwhile(I won’t). For this … Continue reading

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Week 13 – Salacious and Squalid Submariners

On this glorious day, we spent our precious time sanding the hull down to the correct proportions so that the edges would appear flush. We also made sure not to take any lip from the two halves of the sub, … Continue reading

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Weel 13 Journal Entry by Frank Mason

For this week, our tasks have been divided in the sense that we have been working on separate portions of the hardware. With the help of Jorge, I have been to working on and testing the code for two servo … Continue reading

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Week 12 Journal Entry by Frank Mason

For this week, our team has been working on a piece of code that will make the RGB LED Light work with the IR Proximity Sensor. In terms of progress, we have managed to get most of the code working. … Continue reading

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Week 11 Journal Entry by Frank Mason

For this week, I have completed most of the code necessary for the sound portion of the code in which whenever an individual gets close to the bunny, the bunny will play random music that activates with the help of … Continue reading

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Week 10 Lab Report by Frank Mason

Objective: To use three potentiometers to individually control one RGB LED Light. Materials: Arduino Duemilanove board, USB Cable for Ardunio Cable, 2 Breadboards, 3 Potentiometers, and 10 Jumper Cables to connect breadboard with Arduino (to create a fully functional circuit), … Continue reading

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Lab 11 – Breadboardin’ RGB and LSD

Today we are connecting RGB LEDs via a breadboard to the arduino, where they will be controlled by a potentiometer. Materials: 1x Arduino 1x Breadboard 1x RGB LED 3x 220 ohm resistors Jumper cables 1. Gathered materials and examined layout … Continue reading

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Journal Entry Week 10

My group has been stymied by delayed shipping on kits and test supplies. I have nothing to report.        

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