Dream Career

Being an architect is different from most professions out there. What makes it so different is the diverse and almost limitless choices one can make as to his career with an architecture background. I believe I have a clear picture in my mind as to what my career will be.

Although I am still attending college, and I am so far away from what my dream career will be, I can still contribute towards my goal. By focusing on accumulating knowledge, whether it be through school, fellow students, podcasts l, books or even at a firm I am directly contributing to my dream career.
Like most architects, I also dream of having my own office. However, while working at a firm for the past 6 months it has been very evident that owning your own firm is not an easy task. The complex politics and the vast set of rules and scenarios that occur in a day to day basis in an architecture firm have a different effect on the employee compared to the owner of the firm. The employ will sure face stress and hardships but at the end of the day, he can move to another firm and its a fresh start, while you can also do the same thing as the owner of the firm it isn’t the same. You have invested so much time and money and even part of your being to it that just quitting don’t quite work.

The last paragraph must make it seem like it’s not worth it to even try but that is because as humans we usually take into account the negatives rather than the positives due to fear. All of this is however avoidable, and one can have a successful firm established. The key is experience and knowledge. Which is why I am working hard towards becoming someone with knowledge and vision.

To say it shortly, my goal is to have my own office and practice architecture the way I envision it. And I understand it is a process with very important steps which cannot be skipped. Right now, I am one the first step and my only focus is to gain knowledge which will latter help my get the dream career. And hopefully, some 15-20 years from now ill be seeking an energetic intern to join my firm for the summer.

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