Between two worlds- Alex Zhagui

Since middle school I have lived between two different worlds. I started to question myself about where I’m from, if I was from Ecuador where my parents are or if I was American because I was born in the USA. In high school I used to go on vacation to Ecuador to visit my family, but I studied for 6 years in Ecuador before I came to middle school in the USA. In the period I was there I got to know about the culture, lenguaje. When I came back to the United state It was difficult to learn English and learn more about this country. Sometimes in school they used to ask me where I am from and I didnt know what to say.

It was difficult for me to identify myself with one of the two cultures because in my house all of my family is Ecuadorian and they do some of the traditional things of Ecuador and in school the teachers teach me about the USA and it was kind of different to identify myself with one.

Until now I am a little confused where I belong to but one part of me feels that I am more Identify with the Ecuadorian culture and if someone asks me where I am from I confidently say that I am from Ecuador.

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