Photo Essay Analysis – Fan

Correal started the photo essay by introducing a fragile picture album that he found inadvertently, it’s about the life of a black couple in the mid-century. An ancient photo album? That makes the audience curious about it more, with the photo provided as well. Correal was trying to find the owner of this photo album and that is where the whole story started.

This text incorporates research on when Correal went back to Crown Heights a few years after the discovery. Surprisingly, Correal found some information about the owner of the album by asking the oldest guy in town. Correal also said when Tylor enlisted during world war II America was facing an agriculture crisis. These men became soldiers to avoid Jim Crow, but they can never escape segregation. Correal reveals in the 1940s the landlord limits the living area by collecting high rent and that forms Harlem. In the 1950s when the population escalated, Etta Mae and Ike moved to Lincoln Place which is a white neighborhood. Then Whites leave their zone and black people move in, also known as White flights. Correal also provides the consequences of the Taylors’ census tract. The first picture is about how the album looks in general. Then I saw different photos of couples from the past and descendants in present. The whole photo essay is 28 pages long including the pictures. This article might attract black fellows, those who live in Brooklyn by reading its title and it might also attract those who care about family history and love. Finally, Correal found the owner of the photo album by communicating with Craig Barnes Jr(great-grandnephew of Etta Mae) on Facebook. Joann Barnes, (Etta Mae’s niece) Then a long historical article was produced

I think the message that Correal tried to express is that it’s important to take family photos at some point in time because we are history itself, we are creating history every day. If we pass away there will be proof of existence. Also, it’s important to take everything with you while you move. I will use the photo the same way Correal does. Also, he used many historical details in his essay. I will imitate them. It’s too long with too many details, it’s great but I think my photo essay will be short and brief. 

1 thought on “Photo Essay Analysis – Fan”

  1. Excellent analysis, Fan! I especially like your explanation of what you think Correal’s message is. GOod that you are able to pinpoint Correal’s reference to American historical events (Jim Crow, White Flight).
    Your writing has also improved. And I can see your own original thoughts — you are developing critical thinking skills. Very good work!

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