RAB Source Entry#2– Fanta


Levin, Dan. “No Home, No Wi-Fi: Pandemic Adds to Strain on Poor College Students”. The New York Times, The New York Times. Oct. 22, 2020. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/12/us/covid-poor-college-students.html

Part 2 Summary:

This story from the New York Times is about students who don’t have a house and don’t have access to the internet. Michelle mentioned in the story that she couldn’t work on her phone because it was too small, and she didn’t have a laptop or internet connection. She couldn’t do anything because the library was closed, so she dropped all of her classes to avoid failing. “Between the internet, Covid, and couch surfing, I haven’t been able to do a good semester,” Ms. Macario explained. Michelle was forced to crash on her sister’s and friend’s couches, but the connection was still unstable. Basically, it’s about individuals who are unable to use computers or access the internet.

Part 3a Reflection:

I would definitely recommend this article to someone who want’s to learn more about people with no homes and internet Service. I also agree with this article because many people can’t afford computers and internet in their homes. Which is kind of hard for people with low income. This article literally helped me with what my topic is about which gave me more ideas and add more information to my writing.

Part 3B Rhetorical Analysis:

The Levin Dan audience is made up of everyone. Basically, he wrote this post to inform us on what it’s like for individuals who don’t have access to computers or the internet. This post is beneficial in my opinion since it provides you with the information you require regarding those who do not have access to the internet or computers. Many people can relate to this post since it is difficult to obtain internet connection and technology use if your family does not have it.

Part 4 Notable Quotables:

“But the Wi-Fi is unreliable, she is living too far away from her hospital internship, and she toils to tap out exams and homework on her phone.”

“She had no laptop and no Wi-Fi at home, and the library where she normally studied at her community college in Los Angeles was closed.”

2 thoughts on “RAB Source Entry#2– Fanta”

  1. OK. I know you are trying Fanta. THis summary you have written is better because now you are giving me more specific points from the ariticle.

    BUt there is still alot to do.

    One point to consider is that this article is not about education, so you may again need to revise your proposal paragraph (remember this becomes your intro) because you stated that were focusing on educational issues that disadvataged children face. THis article is about all disadvantages (not focusing on education that these children face). The article ends by stating the “cycle of poverty” is worsening.

    But this article could be good and yes you can revise your proposal paragraph.

    SO read read read this article again. One main point is Watson director of mental health programs form Catholic Charities saying “While those general worries are not new, she said, they have been worsened by the pandemic.”

    Mental Health of the kids– It says something about the importance of developing resilience in young black brown children and that now with the pandemic these kids have to be even more resilient. The article also points to the mental health trauma that is worsening after the pandemic and theat many of these families have had family members die in the pandemic. Lower income families have been exposed more to the health hazards of the pandemic. What are the “traumas” and the mental strains on the kids due to the pandemic? Is there enough resources to get mental help for ths kids?

    I am copying from the article a part that is important

    As a result of chronic exposure to trauma, many of her patients have struggled with post-traumatic stress or anxiety disorders, she said, with symptoms including sleeping problems and heightened aggression, which have affected their grades and family relationships. GET THE MAIN IDEAS IN THIS PART AND PUT IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

    KaShawna Watson, who oversees the school-based mental health program for Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington, the city’s largest independent social service provider, said months of virtual learning, protests against police brutality and financial turmoil have taken a toll on young people in the Seventh and Eighth Wards.


    THE PANDEMIC HAS WORSENED CRIME and NEIGHBOR HOOD SAFETY In another part of your summary you write: In their neighborhoods there’s always gunshots going off and it isn’t safe, the kids are even scared to play in the playground. [OK BUT GUNSHOTS were there before the pandemic. What does the article say about how the pandemic has made it worse for kids to go out to the playgroud — or why they need to go to the playground more now in the pandemic time? Is it something about being stuck in the house because of pandemic times?

    Read carerfully and explain how the pandemic makes it all worse even though these bad conditions already existed — how has the pandemic made it worse? THis is what the article is about and it is your job in writing the summar to find out and write the main points about how the pandemic has made things EVEN WORSE. IT was already bad and that is not the point of this article. The point is how has the pandemic made things even worse and you need to find these main ideas.]

    Then at the end the author reports on hardships of finding job in this time of pandenmic and also postiive ways some families are trying to make their house “calming” place to help with the kids mental state of mind.

    READ READ CAREFULLY so that your summary is more clear about the SPECIFIC ways the PANDEMIC has made these people’s lives worse. And what the parents are trying to do and what they maybe can’t do.

    OK YOU NEED TO READ READ READ AGAIN and make your points clear about how the pandemic has made things that were bad EVEN WORSE> THat is your job as the summary writer.



  2. OR you need to find a different article for RAB Source Entry 2. An article or a video that will answer your Research Question: How has the pandemic affected the education of disadvantaged students?

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