Writing Task Mentor Quote –Fanta

” I really hope you stay in school and succeed in life get the education me and your mother never had the chance to get in our lives “

That quote right there was from my dad. These words are so strong and powerful to me. Those the same words that’s always motivates me to do better in school and make my parents proud just because they didn’t have the chance. Thats why I’m always pushing myself to do better for them even when I don’t want to. Like my dad said ‘you can do it if you put your all into it “. For them I will always do my best in school.

This talk happened after I finished middle school on my way to high school. basically my freshman year. My dad sat me down and told me school is no joke and that I have to focus if I want to get good education because he couldn’t afford it which made me a lil sad. At that moment I realized I have to do good and show them I got this with no failures. Everything I do in school is for them. Even when Im missing assignments I don’t sleep good and it stresses me out.

1 thought on “Writing Task Mentor Quote –Fanta”

  1. Fanta: I am really glad you started doing the HW posts.

    Your goal is to show how a particular aspect of your educational experience shaped you to become who you are today. Choose a single transformative event or memory or a set of transformative events or memories that influenced you.

    You need to write an actual storyā€“a story with conflict and a true beginning, middle, and end. Mine your memory (yes, like digging for gold!) for one significant event or a significant set of related events that has been important in your Educational Journey and that has shaped who you are today. Be selective and choose the best memories!

    NOW GOING FORWARD WITH THIS FREE WRITE: You have to develop your ideas more fully. You have mostly repeated the same point in this very short writing piece. I make a few edits here:

    ā€I really hope you stay in school and succeed in life get the education me and your mother never had the chance to get in our lives.”

    These words are so strong and powerful to me. My dad said this to me in my freshman year. He sat me down and told me school is no joke. [Create a scene here. Details where? In the living room in your house? When? After graduation? After an important school test?] He told me that I have to focus if I want to get [a] good education. My fatherā€™s words always motivate me to do better in school and make my parents proud because they didnā€™t have the chance. So his words also make me a little sad. [Show me your parentā€™s back story. What county, what hardships have they endured? Why didnā€™t they get to go to school?]

    You write: Even when Im missing assignments I donā€™t sleep good and it stresses me out. [Show me a sleepless night and how you repeat and obsess. Give me your thoughts that run through your mind like a monologue. Then show how your father’s words help to guide you to motivate you]

    And go forward — Who are you today as a student? How has your father’s words influenced who you are today as a student?


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