Writing Task Resilience / Online – Justin

I feel like the online experience for me in high school when I was in 11th grade wasn’t as stressful as it was for most students. Though there was a lot of new challenges that came with the new way of learning. I still got my work done and all went smooth until about a month into online classes. I found myself growing tired of waking up at 8 in the morning to stare at a computer screen for 6 hours straight. It got to the point where I would leave mid class. But there was one thing that saved me from failing and that was the teachers inexperience with a computer. This made doing assignments much easier because the assignment wont get graded right away. Even though all the assignments had a due date it wouldn’t get graded until the end of the semester. It overall made the experience much easier.

Once I got to my last year of high school it became a whole lot easier. Since I had all of my regents passed and most of my credits I only had 4 classes (2 classes a day Monday-Friday) . That meant I only had school until 11:50 which gave me ample time to get work done. And you would think everything was all good but it wasn’t. The one thing that got me and the majority of high school students was procrastination. Because I had so much time I kept putting off my work, saying in my head ill do it later when I knew I would never do it. But ignoring all the imperfections I personally think online school should be a permanent thing or at least an option for people who would rather go in the building vs people who rather stay home.

1 thought on “Writing Task Resilience / Online – Justin”

  1. At least you are being honest, and that takes some courage. If you know you have a hard time staying alert during a zoom class or that you are a procrastinator, please make effort to change. College will be easy for you if you turn in things late AS YOU HAVE BEEN DOING IN THIS CLASS!

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