Outline (Video Interview)- Mateo Jeronimo

Part 1- The first part of the video interview would be me introducing my 2 interviewees, their Age, Job, and name. Then I would ask my main question which is: Do you feel that office jobs should stay hybrid/ remote moving forward?

Part 2- This part of the interview would be going through my specific questions like,

Do you feel you work more sufficient remotely or in person?

How has being remote affected your family/social life?

What are some positive and negative outcomes that came from remote work?

These are just a few questions I would ask, but there will be a total of 7-8 questions to ask

Part 3- If possible, I will try and implement articles and surveys provided by the NYT on positives of remote work

Part 4- Take their overall opinion opinion on remote work vs in-person

Conclusion- My message is that companies who focus mainly around office jobs should not make workers return to in-person full time and allow hybrid/ remote work. I will restate the interviewees opinions since they are a perfect source and argue to continue remote/ hybrid work.

2 thoughts on “Outline (Video Interview)- Mateo Jeronimo”

  1. pandemic — ASK: what was your work life or work schedule daily or work stress level….BEFORE PANDEMIC? What was it like after?

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