Outline Survey — Jaqueline

There are three pieces to my project. I’m doing a survey (linked below), a poster that includes the information obtained from the survey, and a mini report/summary that explains how I came to start this specific project and that also explains the results in detail.

For the survey I have used Google Forms because when an individual answers the questions, you get the results in the form of a pie chart with percentages. It’s very simple to use and to understand. For the poster, I plan on using Canva because they have really interesting styles to work with and it’s very organized. Finally, for my mini report/summary, I plan on using the first couple of paragraphs to explain how I was inspired to do this specific genre and the process of it. I also plan on explaining the results of each of the 12 questions within my survey, what they mean, and why they’re significant.


Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfVsAZMe_9MlU8ko9ORammmJ7MPgIAGbIvuaTA-CsmyOCfIMA/viewform?usp=sf_link

1 thought on “Outline Survey — Jaqueline”

  1. And also use the Mentor Text article on Australian view points as a reference too.

    I like your idea to use the graphics capabilities of CANVA.

    Sounds good.

    Looking forward to seeing your project.

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