RAB Proposal- Mateo

My research question is how the CV pandemic affected office employees. I chose this as my research question because with the pandemic came a lot of negatives, but not everything was and working remote was one. My Mom, aunt, and sister all became remote workers, sitting at their at home desk staring at their computers screens and constantly in zoom meetings. Even though there was a worldwide pandemic they felt as if this was the best thing to happen to them work wise. I want to look further into how working remote changed other employees all over the world and if they share the same feelings as my family did.

I know that because of the pandemic many workers didn’t or couldn’t commute to their offices. This is where virtual meetings like zoom, google meet, and group facetimes came in to replace the feeling of being in the office with others. I plan to explore how people used their spare time not having to commute. Also, if people were affected mentally and not only physically.

8 thoughts on “RAB Proposal- Mateo”

  1. I relate with you with family losing their jobs, and although it was temporary, it really did affect them. I really think this is important to learn about and to discuss because people are still being affected by this pandemic, this isn’t something to worry about in 2020 when it first started.

  2. I really like your topic about world economy. Its such an important aspect to our daily lives and it can put many people in danger. (economically) I would just like to add for the last section “Some points I plan to explore and find out more about” we were suposed to state three things we wanted to learn more about and you only stated one. Other than that I really liked this beginning piece great job.

  3. I can definitely relate to having family lose their jobs since I myself, along with my sisters have been laid off. Thankfully my sisters found work again, while I’m staying more focused on my education right now. And Covid is definitely hurting small businesses with all the regulations put into place to keep Covid from spreading. Looking forward to how you develop this.

  4. I definitely understand what you perceive for your topic. I remember when the pandemic first started my job shut down temporarily and I didn’t work for a few months. It wasn’t easy not have some sort of income. The economy has declined and inflation has been bigger than ever as well. All in all, I am looking forward to see what you will come up with.

  5. I definitely understand what you perceive for your topic. I remember when the pandemic first started my job shut down temporarily and I didn’t work for a few months. It wasn’t easy not have some sort of income. The economy has declined and inflation has been bigger than ever as well. All in all, I am looking forward to see what you will come up with for your topic.

  6. Mateo:

    Your proposal is all over the place and does not have a focus. Have you started reading NYT articles to get your RQ more focused? I don’t see any NYT sources listed here at the bottom of your proposal. Remember you were asked to do this.

    I found a couple articles NYT articles to start you on reading. By reading, I hope you can fine-tune your RQ. Actually this was supposed to be YOUR WORK, not MINE!


    Could your RQ be some thing like:
    How has the pandemic affected working class jobs? What kind of jobs are people finding as they come back to work? Which group of workers were the most adversely affected by pandemic and lost their jobs?

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