H/W 1 – David Antwi

My research question is, how has the CV pandemic impacted and changed our health. This topic interests me because I was heavily affected once the pandemic occurred and I am eager to find out who else was impacted due to this. Being a high school athlete, I basically trained everyday and once covid arrived everything stopped and my training was halted. So I am eager to really dive in to the different ways this new approach was taken by others. I already know that gyms were closed and everything was shutdown. I want to get to know how the other parts of the world deal with it. I want to dive in more on how the athletes of this world still stayed in shape, and if people did fall off on their health did they ever get back and if so how hard was the process.

4 thoughts on “H/W 1 – David Antwi”

  1. i like that you chose this topic because since lockdown it has been hard for people to work out and that can potentially put a strain on the immunity that people who work out have built up over time.

  2. David — did we talk about this in class? You have revised and focused on exercise and fitness — Yes?

    So your RQ is now: How has the pandemic changed the way people exericse and stay fit?

  3. Where are a few of your NYT sources?

    You need a NYT news report source NOW in otder to move ahead to the next step! Did you open the Secret Panel to the left of the Assignemtn and see all the sources I gathered for the students????

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