Writing Task Mentor Quote – Abel Tricoche

ā€œYou canā€™t get anywhere if you donā€™t get up and stop being lazyā€

I usually always think of these words because me being ā€œlazyā€ is something that pushes me to get up and do something. Iā€™ve never had a psychologist diagnose me with depression, but I donā€™t want to go ahead and do so myself. I do know that I was called lazy a lot when I simply never wanted to do anything, it wasnā€™t that I didnā€™t think I couldnā€™t do it, I just never had the motivation or energy to do so, but at the end of the day I would do it one way or another. I remember constantly being told to do basic things you are supposed to do, shower, eat, I remember wanting to just stay alone and never want to tell anyone what was going on. Iā€™ve gotten more accustomed to fixing my bad habits and behaviors, like I would keep my dirty plates and clothes in my room for too long, but I almost always do it because it grosses me out now. I can still get into these horrible moods of emptiness and wanting to disappear and stop being something in the way of other people’s lives, but I know how to help myself out of this darkness. Iā€™ve found some sort of happiness, in my old hobbies again, music as always, and simply just taking my time because no one is perfect. I can actually get lazy because of how fast adulthood came on to me, having to do better in college, looking for a job, and having to make big decisions, but it isnā€™t the same as falling back into this never-ending darkness, I used to find comfort in when I was younger. Overall, I found better and healthier ways of pushing myself to be better and be productive. Iā€™ve had a job, Iā€™m still looking for another one, Iā€™m adjusting better this semester, I am making big decisions and things have to look up sooner or later. I like to think back to when my mom would always call me lazy and say I changed and I am doing better, because deep down I know she feels the same as I do. She juggles so much, and I think seeing her pull through also makes me want to be better, for myself, for her, for the future. Yes, it hurt a lot hearing her say these things, but she only wanted me to do good and I only now realize it and I still have so much to learn from it. I finally found motivation to do things Iā€™ve always wanted to do, I have more energy, and if it ever gets that bad, I know to look at how far Iā€™ve become and itā€™s barely even the start. I think about the feeling of being on a plane far away from New York, doing what Iā€™ve always wanted to do, travel, and watching those clouds and the sun hit the sky creating such a beautiful sunrise. I think about those days I would stay in bed, staring at the ceiling, listening to music, wishing I was better. I think how badly I wish he could see me right now, doing things he wouldā€™ve never thought were possible anymore.

4 thoughts on “Writing Task Mentor Quote – Abel Tricoche”

  1. I can resonate with this in a sense. My own siblings have their own problems and traumas that they’ve had to work through. But seeing them reach the light at the end of the tunnel has inspired me to do the same for myself. There are some habits that I struggle to break free from, but I’m making progress day by day.

  2. Reading your paragraph reminded me of my own experience since I had also experienced this phase shortly before the pandemic hit. With time, I have learned that whatever happens is a part of life and everything will pass and everything will be okay in the end. Hope you have bright future ahead.

  3. Abel ā€“ Good work ā€“ you have a start for a good story here.

    ā€œYou canā€™t get anywhere if you donā€™t get up and stop being lazyā€ ā€“[who said this?]
    I usually always think of these words because me being ā€œlazyā€ is something that pushes me to get up and do something. Iā€™ve never had a psychologist diagnose me with depression, but I donā€™t want to go ahead and do so myself. [nice phrasing!] I do know that I was called lazy a lot when I simply never wanted to do anything, it wasnā€™t that I didnā€™t think I couldnā€™t do it, I just never had the motivation or energy to do so, but at the end of the day I would do it [suggestion: I would do whatever had to be done] one way or another. I remember constantly being told to do basic things you are supposed to do, shower, eat, [ONE MORE ā€“ 3 is the magic number in lists!] I remember wanting to just stay alone and never want to tell anyone what was going on. [NOW] Iā€™ve gotten more accustomed to fixing my bad habits and behaviors, like I would keep my dirty plates and clothes in my room for too long, [EXCELLENT DETAILS] but I almost always [never? ā€“ huh?] do it because it grosses me out now. I can still get into these horrible moods of emptiness and wanting to disappear and stop being something in the way of other peopleā€™s lives, but I know how to help myself out of this darkness. Iā€™ve found some sort of happiness, in my old hobbies again, music as always, and simply just taking my time [MORE DETAILS ON HOW YOU COPE, HOW YOU HAVE CHANGED FROM LAZINESS] because no one is perfect. I can actually get lazy because of how fast adulthood came on to me [huh? NEED BETTER EXPLANATION], having to do better in college, looking for a job, and having to make big decisions, but it isnā€™t the same as falling back into this never-ending darkness, I used to find comfort in when I was younger. Overall, I found better and healthier ways [AGAIN DESCRIBE OR GIVE LIST] of pushing myself to be better and be productive. Iā€™ve had a job, Iā€™m still looking for another one, Iā€™m adjusting better this semester, I am making big decisions and things have to look up sooner or later. [YOU NEED PARAGRAPH BREAKS!!!! ā€“ new topic new paragraph ā€“ need paragraphs to organize and give structure to your writing ā€“ NO ONE WANTS TO READ HUGE BLOCKS OF TEXTS ā€“ AND LEAST OF ALL YOUR PROFESSOR!]

    [PAR BREAK ā€“ you need to find the other places for par breaks] I like to think back to when my mom would always call me lazy and say I changed and I am doing better, because deep down I know she feels the same as I do. She juggles so much, [DETAILS EXAMPLES of your momā€™s juggling] and I think seeing her pull through also makes me want to be better, for myself, for her, for the future. Yes, it hurt a lot hearing her say these things [FINALLY HERE YOU TELL ME WHO SAID THE QUOTE TOYOU! SHOULD BE ESTABLISHED UP TOP ā€“ CAN YOU GIVE A SCENE FROM THE MOMENT SHE SPOKE THIS WAY TO YOU? OR A SCENE OF YOU IN YOUR OLD WAYS?], but she only wanted me to do good and I only now realize it and I still have so much to learn from it. I finally found motivation to do things Iā€™ve always wanted to do, I have more energy, and if it ever gets that bad, I know to look at how far Iā€™ve become and itā€™s barely even the start. I think about the feeling of being on a plane far away from New York, doing what Iā€™ve always wanted to do, travel, and watching those clouds and the sun hit the sky creating such a beautiful sunrise. [WONDERFUL DETAILS] I think about those days I would stay in bed, staring at the ceiling, listening to music, wishing I was better. I think how badly I wish he [WHO] could see me right now, doing things he wouldā€™ve never thought were possible anymore. [GOOD ENDING]

  4. I can resonate with that quote. I myself was the lazy type in school. Until my teacher called me out on it and I started to change over time.

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