Writing Task Resilience- Chris Gjoka

One hardship that I faced during the pandemic must be remote learning and all the things that came with it. Remote learning was the hardest thing I had to deal with due to the fact that I have had problems focusing on remote learning. Also that most of the teachers I had did not know how to properly teach with remote classes, and the fact that I was home, my mind would wander away from the course. It was becoming stressful because some of the teachers did not know how to do remote learning and had an issue that made it hard to learn and understand what they were teaching. Due to this, I ended up not paying attention to the teacher and focused on other things like playing video games or watching YouTube. I started to pay less attention as time went on, and it became a stressful problem to deal with this issue.

One strategy and habit that I developed for myself is to be somewhere that I can focus only on the class and teacher and not be distracted by playing games. I also had help from my brother to stay focused on school and not on other things. He helped me get in the habit of focusing on the teacher even if there were problems with the online class. This habit helped a bit with my stress because I started to pay attention and managed to get through my online courses. The Strategy of being somewhere I can focus has helped me get back on track with things. Thanks to this strategy/habit, I have bounced back with school and know I am able to focus on my online courses even if there are issues with the online class.

1 thought on “Writing Task Resilience- Chris Gjoka”

  1. Good Job!

    Excellent strategy: Studies have shown that changing up your study space can help you learn better. Associating new environment with learning makes for novelty and your brain can rmemeber better new things you are learning!

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