Category Archives: Uncategorized

Questions on Archives


In the case where an archive is damaged or lost after the document or object was cited and used, is the source still usable. In other words is the an argument or statement supported by a citation no longer useful in a paper if the source can’t be found?

Do archives create secondary documents in case a primary document is lost? For example a picture or a scan of the original document. Will this still be considered to be of the same value when citing it in paper?

Urban Walking Prompt

After reading the article on Urban walking, I have to say that I personally do not agree with the author when he said that walking in the countryside is better than urban areas. Living in an Urban area I enjoy walking everyday, I take the same path to school everyday from my house on Ave J down Nostrand Ave to the Flatbush-Brooklyn College train station. And I enjoy the walk, it gives me time to take In my community and to catch up with people from my block who I haven’t seen in a while. I also walk from 59th st Columbus Circle to 34th street Penn station after every work shift and I use that time to listen to music, take in some air, and remove all stress from that work day. It also gives me time to contemplate some of the nice things we have in our city. All in all I believe that walking wherever you are should be something that you enjoy and find pleasure in. It should be something you do to have an adventurous time and to discover new things throughout your community.

Everyday Commute Observations

7:40 am coming out of my apartment the subtle light (it was cloudy in the morning) of the skylight on the stair bulkhead shines on to the 5th floor. Coming down viewing through the landing window and across the alley and into the other building there is a bucket on the floor below (3rd floor) round and with a tint of white and tan, yet uninhabited. Passing the third floor there is a garbage bag in front of the second apartment on my right. In contrast to the other door frames the same apartment with the garbage bag in front of it has a wooden door frame. The following floors were all the same except for the 1st floor. The 1st floor lighting was much brighter than the rest. Coming out of the building and walking to my left I see an aggressive amount of pedestrian. The time was now 7:45 at the corner of 182nd and most of the pedestrians consisted of children accompanied by their care taker moving hurriedly through the streets as the 8am elementary school opening time approached. Walking down the sidewalk I recognized the trees on the sidewalk puts that stand 3 stories up. Most of the trees having being juxtaposed to the masonry brick buildings were leaning towards the streets. There exist about a 2 ft space between the tree branches and the face of the building where as on the street side branches overhang the parked cars. Approaching the entrance to the subway more  people enter as opposed to a much earlier time In which I often take the train.

Urban Walking in Brooklyn

My daily morning commute is just what you would imagine of your everyday New Yorker. A half mile walk to the J train station at Marcy avenue to rub shoulders and sometimes literally fight to get onto the train with the thousands of people waiting as well to commute. In as much the commute is not as enjoyable as I would love it to be, I do pick up a lot of things while I work. In the 5 years that I have lived in the Jewish populated neighborhood of South Williamsburg in Brooklyn, a lot has changed. With the rise of Williamsburg in the real estate industry comes a lot of other changes, on broadway directly below the J train line, you have new Condos with a stretch of stores restaurants and cafes. In the early morning as I walk to the train, Bedford ave is quiet with the exception of a few cars going by and the follow commuters who are headed to the train with me. This changes once you hit broadway, it is a whole different atmosphere because unlike Bedford, Broadway is a commercial street and people are already packed up either at the McDonald’s, Dunkin Donuts or the food trucks getting their breakfast to get them started for the day

“Urban walking isn’t just good for the Soul”

Walking around my neighborhood, and paying attention to the surroundings makes me understand the meaning behind it. One thing that I defiantly have seen change is the increase of traffic in the area. The reason behind it is that 7 years ago there were no areas for public spaces, neither schools. Present time, I’ve notice the construction of a high school, and the development of a park. Streets are completely packed because of the usage of parking, and when it hits 4-5pm traffic overloads the street, making it almost impossible to get in my parking spot. This, however is only when I drive. When I commute in public transportation, I’ve notice that the typical deli that used to close at 7pm now stays open until 11-12pm. The bus line runs packed, and they also change the line to limited because of the extremely amount of people. The bus takes you to the train line, where it hits the major street; Queens Blvd. The boulevard is big, and the city extended many of their turning lanes because of the demand of cars. One last thing to be mentioned is the construction of a new residential building right on the Boulevard. Couple of years ago before they started building the residential space, they constructed another building across the street making me analyze that the demand of living around the area has increased incredibly.

Urban Walking isn’t just good for the Soul

Walking seems too far me, except every day walking to the train station. As Jonn Elledge said walking refresh our mind, and walking in the City is not only a walk but to recognize and get familiar to the City. However, some people just don’t like walking, just like me. My opinion is, when there is an easier, faster, and safer way to get to a destination, why not using it! An aimless walking could be dangerous, especially when walking by yourself, because you never know what kind of people you will encounter, a drunker, a robber, or maybe a killer?

Urban Walking prompt

I love walking and knowing new places. After I read “Urban Walking isn’t just Good for the Soul,” I realized that I been doing the rights things for me and the city. It is vital that we walked around seeing things that are unseen by just watching. As New Yorkers we need to be observed everything more carefully. It’s important to know how a city works and what parts we play in helping the city to work. I agree with the reading that when you walk, it helps your body, your mind, your peace, this was one of the primary reasons why I walk, and I love it.

Homework 2: Urban Walking


Upon reading “Urban walking isn’t just good for the soul. It could save humanity”, I have taken into consideration that my daily commute for over 3 years has not changed, therefore I have grown accustom to it and only notice when major changes, such as a new shop, or a cleanup or renovation has taken place. The author describes aimless walking to be perceived as a bizarre occurrence, when in reality, it is quite a normal thing to do, and the fact that people do it, show that they are willing to take a step away from the internet or smartphones and enjoy outdoor activities for once.  I agree that it isn’t the safest or cleanest to be walking in a highly populated city, but trying to get to the countryside, or for urban dwellers, public parks can have a positive effect on the mind and humanity as a whole.

Urban Walking Prompt

Typically my personality, I love traveling and visit new places to see new things that I had never seen before. But my everyday walk from home to the train station is a different story, it is like walking dead. I don’t really recognize a lot of details and places in my neighborhood. In my opinion, I think this happens because your neighborhood is always there. For example, every time I say, “I want to discover new places around me”. In 5 seconds I change my mind and say, “no maybe later, it is always there next to me”. That’s why we always seek to look for new and far places because everything hidden is always more interesting. According to the article “Urban walking isn’t just good for the soul”, it shows that repetition is so boring. Especially when you see the same thing every day, you get to a point that you can’t even see anything new in that same place.