I’ve created three minor website designs for the CEO to look at I knew that I did not put a lot of effort in to the designs, but the point of the minor website designs is to see if I can understand what works and doesn’t work, another reason is because I did not want to put too much into the designs and get rejected. Before finalizing these three designs and sending them to the CEO I received a message from the chief of staff saying that she was managing the CEO mail and found an old note between the CEO and the former graphic design interns and saw that there were certain fonts that she approved of, color combinations and even gave references to help the graphic design intern. The chief of staff then forwarded the information to me. A sense of relief overcame me. She then told me that there was more information but some of them are not in the CEO’s inbox anymore. I decide to send an email to the former graphic design intern and see if she could send me all of the information.