Author Archives: Tucker Salovaara

Tucker’s Second Proposal

Second Proposal

People who are in power wheelchairs, which utilize bluetooth.

In this proposal, I want to design a button on a power wheelchair that controls the lights throughout ones home. I’ve researched this function for my own use because I am getting a new chair and I’ve found nothing during my research process about a wheelchair with this capability.


Finding a way to program the chair’s button to respond and integrate it to ones living environment. Having to rely on others to turn on/off the lights around my home. Beneficial for others who are in similar situations as myself.

Self Reliance

Saving money and energy. Making the lives of others easier. One specific model will have this capability and will stand out from the others.

Pairing up with wheelchair companies.

Presenting design ideas to companies which utilize bluetooth capabilities. Showing how resourceful this function will be for the community. This will have a strong impact on the community.

More people in the non-disbled community will want this device to make their lives easier than it already is. It will have great publicity.

First Proposal Tucker

I watched two videos about wearable technology. One was an eye-controller for people who are paralyzed from the neck down. In my project I want to incorporate a way to pull up the covers in the middle of the night. In my case, I need to call someone into the room to cover me up. I want to find a way to put the covers on a moving scale, which would give me the independence of covering myself up while I lay in bed. Here are both of the links to the videos that inspired me to come up with this idea. This is more on the tangible media side.–the-concepts-solar-powered-fashion-designer-pauline-van-dongen-video