Vineyard Project – Paumanok Vineyard (Edited)

It was a beautiful sunny day with some hint of coldness in April. I drove all the way down to Long Island where the vineyard is located. It was a long driving. It took me almost 1 and a half hour to get to the vineyard. The vineyard is called Paumanok Vineyard which located at 1074 Main Rd, Aquebogue, NY.

The reason why I chose this vineyard because on their website, they only premium vinifera grapevines are planted, consisting of Chardonnay, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Chenin Blanc, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot. This provided description attracted to me because those are the most famous and common grape varieties in the wine world, and I thought it could be a good opportunity to see all of those famous grape varieties at one place. Also, the traditional dense planting of the vineyards at 1100 to 1400 vines per acre produces more concentrated fruit and therefore, they producing nice high-quality wines. ( When I and my friends arrived at the vineyard, we saw the vines were budding. The vines were empty and no grapes. I went to see more close up to the vine to observe carefully how they are budding. I saw some watery liquid was coming out from the vine’s twig and also realized the vineyard maker did vine training systems on their viticulture.

The vineyard was large. It was sad I couldn’t see any single grape from those large vine trees. Then we move into the store where Robert was greeting us very kindly. We explained why we are there and he was willing to help us. I asked what is the famous wine in this vineyard and why. He said, Chenin Blanc is the famous one because only Paumanok Vineyard is producing Chenin Blanc in New York State. Also, he mentioned Semi-Dry Riesling is a popular one in the vineyard which is a sweet wine. Then we asked is the vineyard is competitive in this neighborhood because we saw some other vineyards while we were driving to Paumanok Vineyard. Robert said no it is not because there are 50 vineyards in the neighborhood and they are pretty well balanced to each other. Then we asked when will the berries will growth and harvest? Robert said it depends on the weather but the berries will begin to growth after May. Unfortunately, we could not go into the procedure room. Therefore, we decided to taste some of the famous wines from Paumanok Vineyard. There was no separate tasting room. The store, office and tasting room were in one area.


The first white wine I taste was 2015 Chenin Blanc which is the most famous wine from the vineyard. According to their website, “It was cool fermentation in stainless steel tanks. It was bottled with a screw cap to preserve freshness and cleanliness. The result is a fresh, crisp, racy, and bracing Chenin that is redolent of grapefruit and pineapple, with more subtle notes of melon, apple, and guava. It makes an excellent companion to various white meat fish dishes, such as striped bass, flounder, cod and lobsters and especially oysters.” (

The second wine I tried was 2016 Semi-Dry Riesling which fermented also in stainless steel tanks. According to the website, it described as “this Riesling bursts with a fresh, fruit cocktail of peach, apricot, nectarine and apples. While it starts off sweet, it finishes dry with crisp acidity. Pair it with loin of pork, Asian foods especially Thai or Indian.” I felt like this can be a great start wine as well pair with some mango flavored dressing in green salad or a dessert wine with a strawberry cheesecake (not a heavy one though). My favorite wine out of all.

The third wine I tasted was Vin Rose. The website described this wine as, “This semi-sweet blush offers beautiful, fresh aromas and flavors of strawberry and red cherry. Pair with an aperitif or with spicier fare such as Asian Foods.”( The website does not say cranberry, but I smelled cranberry and tasted some rose.

It was such a good experience to see the vineyard by myself than just study and read the materials. Now I can imagine where the vines are grown and how will be harvested.



Paumanok Vineyards. (n.d.). Retrieved May 26, 2017, from

Paumanok Vineyard Is NY Winery of the Year. (2015, August 14). Retrieved May 26, 2017, from

Vintners, N. V. (n.d.). The Life Cycle of A Grape. Retrieved May 26, 2017, from

The Chenin Blanc Wine Guide. (2017, May 01). Retrieved May 26, 2017, from

Beer Brewery; Coney Island Brewery (Update)

Have you been to a brewery? I know I never been to one. This was my first time going to a brewery because of this assignment. Although, I was a little disappointed that I couldn’t go to a winery/vineyard, but it wasn’t bad going to a brewery. It was a really fun experience and I got to learn some new things about beer. The brewery I went to is Coney Island Brewery. It is located at 1904 Surf Ave., Brooklyn, NY.

The place is not so big, but can still try to get the most out of it. They also provide free tours from Thursday through Sunday at 2pm, 4pm, and 6pm. At the brewery there are also tasting, but it will cost a fee of $5. It is nice to go on the tour to learn more about beer, but the unfortunate thing is that it is a little difficult to hear the tour guy due to all the noise outside and in the room.

During the tour at the Coney Island Brewery, we got to see the processing room of where they make their beer. It is where they keep their kegs and try to create new type of beers. The room is not really big. It is like going straight in and making some turns and you’re finish. Although it is small, but I still got to learn some things about beer. As I was having the tour in the processing room, I saw many carbon dioxide tanks. The carbon dioxide are used to produce the foam on the top surface of the beer.  I also learned that it was form during the process of fermentation. Before I went on the tour I didn’t know that that’s how they form bubbles and I wonder why is there always so much foam in beer.

Aside from carbon dioxide tanks, there were also many other tanks. The tour guy explained what each buckets and tanks were for and how they process their beer. In the processing room there are yellow buckets that are filled with different grains. After choosing their grain they want to use, they will place it in the grain mill. When all the grains are broken up; it goes into the mash tun tank to mix up the broken grain with hot water. With hot water, it will turn starch into sugar.

After those steps the beer will go into the kettle of hops. I learned that different hops from different places will have different flavors. The next step is to move everything to the heat exchange machine to bring the boiling liquid down to a lower temperature around 55 degrees; depending on what beer. But this doesn’t mean your beer is ready because you don’t have beer until you add the yeast. For the last few steps of making beer, they fill the fermentation tank with yeast including the liquid that was made previously and add any other flavoring or fruits if they want to create a different flavor beer.

When the process of making beer is finished they will go through a filter. After going through the filter they will store the beer in kegs. At Coney Island Brewery, not all beers are filter, only some. For every batch of beer they make, they can fill up 15 kegs. In the processing room, they also had another small room where they keep their kegs. The kegs are used to store their beer and keep the freshness.

At Coney Island Brewery, there are a lot of history. Their brewery is filled with old Coney Island pictures around the place and old ride pictures that Coney Island was known or represented for. I believe same goes for their beer. Beer at Coney Island Brewery can also be a place representing Coney Island. Their brewery also have many different types of beer. There is 8 tap beers that they serve, but it rotates through out the year. During summers the Cotton Candy Beer is a good sell. Although, the most popular beer there is Mermaid Pilsner but when I was there I also notice a lot of people like to get the Flight. The Flight costs $8 and you get four different types of beer. It looks quite interesting. Here at Coney Island Brewery, I had fun and enjoyed my tour. I learned a lot about beers and some day when I get to drink, I will definitely come back and give it a try. I would recommend others to come here and have a nice drink.


Coney Island Brewery. (n.d.). Retrieved May 25, 2017, from

How To Taste Beer. (n.d.). Retrieved May 25, 2017, from

W. (n.d.). Coney Island Brewery’s creative craft beverages. Retrieved May 25, 2017, from

Gun Hill Brewing Co. – Update

This was actually my favorite part of the class. When I was making my plans for this trip I wanted it to be something me and my family member could be, so I figured the best time to go would be during spring break for I had about two weeks off from school. I had three places in mind

  1. Millbrook Vineyards & Winery – 26 Wing Road, Millbrook, NY 12545
  2.  Gun Hill Brewing Co. – 3227 Laconia Ave, Bronx, NY 10469
  3.  Some place in Long Island

The place in L.I. was more of a last resort so I didn’t do much research for it. Some of my family members live in the area and if I found myself in between a rock and a hard place then we would just make a weekend adventure out of my project. The more the merrier; this was a first-time experience for not only me but my family as well, I wanted everyone to understand some of the joys of life. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. I was overcome with happiness when I found Millbrook Vineyards & Winery, not only did they compensate the fee for entry for students but they also had a coupon on Groupon for groups. I guess the timing wasn’t right for my time at Millbrook because I and my family didn’t make it.  My mother had a doctors’ appointment beforehand and the drive was about 2 hours give or take, so my brother and I just canceled that plan, but our Groupon can still be used at a later date.

However, that same day we did have time to take a visit to Gun Hill Brewing Co. which as the name states is not actually on Gun Hill Road but is on Laconia Avenue. The name Gun Hill came from the brave soldiers who climbed said Hill to fight off the Britsh army (Gun Hill Brewing Company). With a name like this to represent the Bronx, this was the best choice. My top three choices there was one outside my comfort zone, and one was a safety net. Since it was only a 5-7 minutes drive to the brewery we figured why not go check it out, and at the end of the day it would fulfill my requirements.

This brewery is only 3 years old with its opening being in the year of 2014, and the locals really love their unfiltered beers. “One notable brewer of the style is in the Bronx, which had a breakout year in 2016″(Licata) according to the Daily Meal, in 2016 GHBC collaborated with the Broadway show “Hamilton” to craft a brew. Not only was the brew a big hit, but some of the profit goes towards a charity that was established by Alexander Hamilton’s late wife.

Upon entering I thought I was in the wrong place. It basically looked like a fancy garage.

My brother mentioned that he knew where it was that we were heading to, he and my uncles occasionally stop by when they want something different. He thought my reaction to walking in was funny but assured me it does like a “fancy garage”. In the back, you can see where the magic happens. All the beers served here are made in the same place. Of course, there is a border to how far you can go into the premises. This is where the hard part comes in. It was really hard for me to get a tour of the place. The first time the manager didn’t have time, and I understood because it was last minute, I made sure to get a business card so I could call next time. The second time when I called the day that I was given was way after this assignment was due, so I turned it down. The third time didn’t work out either. In the pictures below you can see for yourself what it was like for my first visit to one of the Bronxs’ many diamonds in the rough.

Here in this picture is how their tap is set up. The person seen is the very helpful and only bartender at GHB co. Even though we weren’t able to get a tour she made sure my mother, brother and I enjoyed our time spent there.


The front of the menu which showed the beer list, guest taps ( brews only there for a certain time), beers/brews coming soon, and two cocktails they offer, both made with their brews in it

Beer cocktails was actually a new term for me. Not only did the two they carried sound delicious but when I watched the bartender make one it look really good. To define what a beer cocktail consist of is simple “some style of beer mixed with other ingredients to produce a finished, balanced drink. While most traditional cocktails are made with hard liquor as a base, beer cocktails don’t necessarily have to feature anything but beer“(VinePair). Apparently, this is a rather new concept to the brewing world and I can’t wait to try it.

The back of the  menu which showed their appetizers and some of the upcoming events held there

On this wall in front of the bar was the brews for that day we went

When you walk in there is a wall to the right where all their famous brews are. These brews never go away.

Apparently, they stopped doing tasting of their brews however, you can bring the goodness home with you

This board shows how you can order each brew and how much they cost. Then there is another small on which show the hours.

Even though there were no tastings of the brews,  the bartender (I feel bad because she never gave us her name but she helped me so much. I forgot to get her name by the end of our visit. She even comped half our bill.) did let us sample any brew we seemed interested in. I couldn’t taste due to age but I took notes from my brothers’ approval.

From Left to Right
Nine Pin Cider Rose 6.9% Cider with grapes and blueberries, E. Pluribus Lupulin Citrea 9.3%, Stron Rope and Gun Hill State Fare ‘Murican Pale Ale 5.3%, Kentucky Common Barrel Aged 6.4%.
On the bottom are their Empanadas which aren’t made in-house but delivered fresh from a Latino restaurant close by delivered every morning, and served that same day. There are only two kinds, Chicken and cheese, and a Chop-cheese which was my favorite. I couldn’t have any beer so I had about 4-5 of those bad boys.


“About.” Gun Hill Brewing Company. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 May 2017.
Licata, Elizabeth. “Broadway Hit ‘Hamilton’ Inspires a New Beer.” The Daily Meal. N.p., 01 May 2016. Web. 28 May 2017.
“What Are Beer Cocktails.” VinePair. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 May 2017.

About Beer

In preparation of the lecture on beer please read and view the following:

Who makes Brooklyn Brewery Beer? Learn about Garrett Oliver

How Beer is made:

Click here for another video (this is a concise video)

Some history and the current state of Brooklyn Brewery, press here.

There is a difference: Ales and Lagers

There are various types of beer: types of beer

For and in-class activity: press here and pick two beer styles. Reply to this post with the beer style you are going to share with the class.




Brooklyn Brewery Visit

I decided to go to Brooklyn Brewery, located on 79 N 11th Street in Brooklyn, for my assignment. Due to prohibition, a majority of the breweries were shut down so when Brooklyn Brewery was founded in the 1980s, by Steve Hindy and Tom Potter, they were the only brewery in Brooklyn (BrooklynBrewery).

The mashing and brewing room.

Because of a class trip I had earlier that day, I left my friend in charge of getting us a ticket each for the tour that started at 7pm. When we went back at around 6:45pm, we realized the tour had already started but no one had told us that they would start earlier. We didn’t miss much but even with that, it was very difficult hearing the tour guide who was practically yelling out information over the loud whirring and banging sounds of the machines all around us. Between his constant pop culture references and many long winded unrelated stories, the bit of information I was able to hear was interesting to me. Brooklyn Brewery uses 3 kinds of malted grains to make their beer: wheat, barley, and milt (Beeriety). The water they use is just simple, plain tap water because according to the tour guide “New York City has the best tap water in all of the country” which makes it suitable enough for beer brewing.

The entire facility is run on solar power through the many solar panels they have installed. Everything was metal, very industrial, which was a large contrast from what I’ve read and learned concerning wine and how wine is made. Beer is clearly a completely different creature to wine.

The vats used for fermenting the beer. There’s a hose clearly visible where the CO2 is released.

In one vessel called a mashtun, hot water is added to crushed milt and left to steep. This causes the grains to break down and release its sugars. This mixture is then passed to a brew kettle and introduced to the hops, which is a type of slightly bitter plant cone which offsets the sweetness of the liquid, and boiled for about an hour. About 20-30 minutes towards the end of the brewing process, a secondary load of hops is added. The entire mixture is then cooled down in a wort chiller and it’s passed over to another machine that works like a “giant French press but upside down”, according to the tour guide. The resulting liquid is placed into a vat with yeast and left to ferment. The vessel is air tight and has a hose that’s placed in a bucket of water to allow CO2 to escape as the beer ferments (HowToBrew)(Beeriety)(Schmohz). Though the yeast and hops can be reused, the grains cannot. The grains left over after the beer making process is transported to local farms to be given to the animals as part of their feed.

The bottling facility.

They bottle and label their beer in the same facility; they also manufacture their beer kegs on site. Their larger bottles, on the other hand, are bottled in a sister location upstate. Brooklyn Brewery beer can be found in places like Trader Joe’s in cases of 6 and they even make an exclusive beer for Shake Shack called the ShackMeister Ale (ShakeShack). Though I don’t drink alcohol and don’t even use beer when cooking like I do with wine, I find beer to be fascinating. During the Victorian era, beer and bread making went hand in hand. Bread was the foundation to heavily sustaining life back then but the only way to obtain the yeast needed to make bread was for bread makers to rely on the yeast that was used in beer brewing. The yeast was removed from the top of the beer after it was done fermenting.  Learning about how beer was made and seeing all the machines was very eye opening.

The keg machine.

I’m glad I went to Brooklyn Brewery and would recommend anyone to go on their tour but to be wary of whom their tour guide is. My tour guide seemed very distracted and was drinking the entire time he was giving us the tour. At times, he seemed very tipsy and rambled on about things that didn’t pertain to Brooklyn Brewery or beer making. Despite this, I do wish the tour guide would have divulged the information as to why they have a random small chandelier in the middle of the bottling section of the facility. He said there was a story behind it but wouldn’t tell us unless we went over to the bar and bought some beer, seeing as he was going to be the bar tender after the tour. I don’t drink and my friend doesn’t like beer so no such luck on hearing that story on my part.

The bar area


IPA, Beer

I am often asked “What is your favorite wine?”. I can’t answer that question. There is a lot to consider, food, season, mood, cost…and on and on. Beer, however, I do have one favorite it is IPA. I like the bitterness and feel it does with most foods, it transcends season and mood and cost, well, that fluctuates but, oh well, sometimes I will spend the extra dollar.


What you need to know and more can be found through these sites. Dedicated time to learning about German wines will pay off for years to come.