Discussion Grading Criteria

Hello Everyone
The grading criteria is as follows:
Discussions make up 15 percent of your grade and is really a participation and attendance grade meant to make sure that you on track. If you complete each week it can lift your grade, but if you don’t do it it can lower your overall final score. Please write 6-8 sentences for each question and also make sure to respond to one classmate.

The discussion question will come from your readings and my lectures. It will include a topic, an image or a source from the weekly readings. Your job is to provide both summary and analysis.  Make sure to use details and always use quotations if you pull something from the text or note a paraphrase. Not doing so is in fact plagiarism.

Remember that you want to provide as much detail as possible. The number of sentences that you can write is a range, so if you write on the lower end with minimal detail then it will lower your overall score. Please base your discussions on your views from the readings and lectures and not from the ideas of your colleagues.