
What I wanted to recreate the “snake” game. Basically you are a square “eating” other squares until you crash or eat yourself and as you eat squares you get longer. I wanted the game to look retro which is why my game does not look flashy. I did originally put up a picture of a real snake about to eat a bird but after I reset a couple of times the program does not have enough memory so I removed it. The only thing wrong with my program is that it won’t reset properly after I pick up a square. I tried to find the error, but after an hour I gave up. I came across many challenges. Making this game was harder than I thought, I even had to look ahead in the book to read about arrays, then i look online to understand them, but I still don’t. Another challenge was keeping tract of the variables. The easiest the while doing this project was assigning the arrow keys everything else drove me nuts. If I do decided to improve my game I would add some color, have a proper reset, maybe add a score system, make the snake grow by 5 pixels instead of 1, add random obstacles, and maybe give the snake projectiles to blow stuff up.






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midterm project

For my midterm project I created a bouncing ball game. This game is not fully functioning. collision code is not work.

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Midterm Blog Post 7.2 Assignment

My first idea when starting the midterm was to create connect four. Given that connect four is a two player game when i first thought about making the code i thought with a few loops and key & mouse presses i would be able to create connect four or something similar to the game. When I Began the project i made a few different grids for the game with lines, rect,etc but eventually changed the code to functions just to put in an input on what we have been doing in class lately. After creating the interface for the game and uploading the connect four image into the code is when i began to realize the difficulty. The different challenges i faced when doing the project was being able to fill the player chips from the bottom (as you know connect four is from the bottom up), and keeping the fill even after you where done with it and building on top on that fill. i had a hard time with being able to press a certain area for each player to fill with either black or blue chip and continue with the chips without them moving or blinking or changing into one color for each mouse or key press. I may have ran thru about 10 different codes and functions and states and mouse and key presses trying to figure out how i could build the chip location n color for each player. Although i was not able to completely figure out the issue i was faced with, in the future if i was to improve the application i would figure out a way to realize each player on the 7×6 grid and finish the game completely and also maybe add some animation to the game when someone connects four. Build a point system and also build an animation for the after the game is over when you release the chips from the bottom of the grid. 

*i embedded the code on tuesday, the link is a few blog post down*


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Midterm Project!

For my midterm project I created a maze game, basically the player has to drag the mouse through four images and get  to the last one without hitting the walls, to do  this I use mousedrag to draw the line when the player press the mouse, keypress and mousepress to clear the background if player hits the wall, I upload 6 images and I use an example from the book that I saw was nice to  use it as a background cover which create random circle in different sizes, color and opacity. The difficult part doing this game was creating “if” statements for each rectange(wall) cause it takes me some time to finish.


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Midterm Project

I intended to create an audio sampler. I figured i would start with 3 chanels and see if I could later increase that number.
I used arrays to keep track of the sound files and their states (on / off) in separate arrays. It seems that it would be very impractical to add more channels with my current code and I would have to rethink the data structures. It would be cool if I can figure out how to use audio effects and improve the looping quality of PMovie which was inacurrate and glitchy.

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Midterm summary

~~seems like it didnt load properl .heres the link to the actual sketch
http://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/94011 ~~~~~~

so it was a first time experience creating something using CODES it was pretty exciting.My first creation… Code breaker…even though its not perfect i resembles the game very much. The hardest thing for me while doing this project was the collision and the if statement had me so confused felt like giving up after days of trying and no results.But thanks to our awesome and fearless proffesor i got to accomplish my goal 😀 thank u calli. If i could change anything…i would make it more how you say…engaging…instead of the ball going in one direction….have it go in different directions and instead of a whole brick layer banishing its just one…and last but not least some POWER UPS…lazers…and some tricky ones aswell that would challenge the user in a way or two.

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Midterm Project

My Midterm project is suppose to be a clicking game involving a bunch of rabbits moving around the screen. The main objective is to click on all of the rabbits until they’ve changed color under a certain period of time.

The problem is, I had trouble trying to create a color and getting one color to stick on each rabbit. Originally, I had wanted to give this game a bit of a challenge. Rather than change color, it was suppose to be a game where you click on the rabbits until they disappear. And since rabbits tend to multiply, more would begin to pop up after each round or a set amount of time. But again, I had a the problem where if one rabbit is click, they all would disappear.

I’ve tried to upload my midterm project in Open Processing, but my none of my rabbits seem to be appearing?

a screen shot of what should be appearing on on the screen:

and here’s the link the actual rabbit image since the image is huge and this post is considerably long enough.

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My Midterm Project

So, I set out to make a side scrolling shooting game and I believe i was successfully able to create it. The most challenging part was getting the balls(from here referred to as astroids) to go left to right, and the collision detection to be correct to check if there was a hit. Going forward, I’d like to have the balls actually be pictures of astroids and just change the tint to make them different colors. I also am in the process of adding a sound when the level changes and I hope to be able to understand how the tilt function works with the iPhone so I can put this on the app store at the end of the course. While that maybe a little ambitious, I’m gonna try and make it happen.

I can’t embed the image in open processing because I have sound in my code and open processing doesn’t like Minim for some reason unknown to me.

Midterm screenshot #1

Midterm screenshot #2

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Looking for genius on collision testing =p

could someone that knows about collision and its business please help me 😛

kinda stuck .will hand you my email when  i get a reply.

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Midterm Project..

.. Theres Things Missing That I Could Not Figure Out.. But Heres The Concept Of A Connect Four Game..

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