Hot year

2016 is the hottest year on record for the third consecutive year. There is an article in New York Time introduce the weather change and influence on our lives.
We should continue to focus on the weather issue and environmental problem.

11 thoughts on “Hot year”

  1. Three years in a row is a bad pattern, which should show some signs of concern for global masses to take charge of the situation and get people to go green. We should work on the problem at hand as a whole. We all live on this Earth, and it should not die because we are careless and think the Earth is going to survive forever. Things such as scarcity, war, climate change and extinction to animals and other inhabitants on the Earth should not be taken for granted. We are facing environmental issues with outrageous irregular patterns that should not happen. Winter should not feel like spring and possibly vice verse.

  2. I’m very aware of this, last semester I did a speech on global warming. What I learned from the preparation of the speech, was incredible and horrifying at the same time. Our world is change and is going from good to bad, little by little.

  3. Despite the growing amount of evidence regarding global warming, many still refuse to believe it. Those who aren’t convinced by the perpetual evidence which continue to further prove the existence of global warming are quite simply denying science.
    Since the Industrial Revolution, climate change has had a negative effect on our temperature. In order to combat the negative impacts of global warming, we must all raise awareness on global warming through the use of science. With this, all politicians should convince one another, regardless of party, on the importance of being environmental friendly for the sake of the future. Once we have a mutual understanding of global warming negative effects, we can then implement effective policies to combat it.
    Currently, our methods to combat the situation is the implementation of environmental friendly policies that are then thrown out with the next president in office. By coming together to address this potentially disastrous situation, we can help protect not only ourselves but our children in the future.

  4. I think it is true that the temperatures are changing due to global warming . Yes we experienced global warming just yesterday when it was 62 degrees farenheit . I was shocked with yesterdays weather because it was february and we have never experienced this weather.

  5. Global Temperature has be irregular for the past few years in ways never unprecedented. I was outside in a T shirt a few days ago in the middle of February. All my life living in NY, i know that Feb is one of the coldest time of the year. Winters are no longer so bad in NY which is a good/bad thing. Good because is not as cold outside and that alone makes living in the city easier and bad because we all know that the reason winters are changing is because theres a major change going on in our earths condition.

  6. It is an issue that has been discussed for quite some time. There are numerous statistics provided for the public, but ignorance and lack of understanding still prevents much action. Of course there are celebrities and big names throughout sports, politics, ect. that continue to spread the message and still a minimum of effort is done, while a vast consequence to the environment is grown daily. Why does this happen when it is so obvious the direction we’re heading, well money speaks. Money will, and remain the main factor that controls our world. If consumption of negative goods continues and money is being made at great amounts, the next generations will deeply impacted from our actions.

  7. with every passing year, it sheds more light on the global warming situation. the ice caps at the north and south poles are melting more each year. we have to be aware that our actions are a factor in this global event. there is a theory called the greenhouse effect. it states that the burning of fossil fuels gives off excess carbon dioxide which is then trapped in the atmosphere due to lack of sufficient oxygen and carbon traps the heat in turn. the destruction of forests play a big role because trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.

  8. with every passing year, it sheds more light on the global warming situation. the ice caps at the north and south poles are melting more each year. we have to be aware that our actions are a factor in this global event. there is a theory called the greenhouse effect. it states that the burning of fossil fuels gives off excess carbon dioxide which is then trapped in the atmosphere due to lack of sufficient oxygen and carbon traps the heat in turn. the destruction of forests play a big role because trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.

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