Freezing Motion

IMG_3641This photo of Henry was taken when he jumped up but because he was too tall, he had to bend his legs while jumping. This photo is great is because it shows motion and also an expression looking at the camera. The ball in this photo is still so it shows that Henry is in frozen motion.

photo credit: Amira Lulu


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City Stages
Photographer: Matthew Pillsbury
The photographer photographed the people in motion. The background was very sharp. All the photos were in black and white and it was in long, medium shots. Most of the scenes had something going on, the photographs had an event to something and it made the feel to it that there are a lot of stuff you can do in your daily life. Many of these places are somewhere that you would do for fun are just by yourself to enjoy the moment.

Photographer: Wijnandoo Deroo
The photograph took these photos in a spacious area. Most of these photos are in museums. There are a lot of long shots and most of the photos were symmetric. Many of the photos had wide depth of field and it was mostly in eye level. These images made me feel as if there was a new opening/beginning to a certain place. It makes me feel relaxed because these images showed clean places with high or low contrast and a lot of vertical and horizontal lines.

The Heart and The Eye
Photographer: Henri Cartier- Bresson and Robert Frank in the World
These photographs that were shot in the 1900’s show a lot of hard working people in every picture. In black and white, it shows different age groups of people running some sort of errand. I really like these images because they give me a feel that life is about learning and working and it really shows that these people have some sort of talent. There were shallow depth of field, close up, rules of thirds and medium shots in these photos.

Excerpts from Silver Meadows
Photographer: Todd Hido
These photographs were shot in diffused, cloudy looking days. The mood for these images are gloomy, mysterious and serious. There are lots of shallow depth of field, rule of thirds and medium shots. These photos were taken in such a way that it seems to show that there is some kind of serious weather condition and also that the photographer’s life wasn’t in such a happy state. The nude lady that he took looked very mysterious as well too.

Photographers: Reiner Gerritsen, Adam Magyar, David Molander
This photograph shows a lot of our daily lives. It is shot in a bird eye’s view and eye level view. Plenty of these photos show people busy and very distant from each other. Looking at the other photos such as the fire hydrant blowing up, it is like an illusion that something chaotic happened. Maybe the photographers feel that way in life and to express it, they give the audience their reaction in their photographs


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Motion Blur


We created this photo by using a long shutter speed, about 4 seconds, the ISO was set to 100 and the aperture was about 22. These settings creates a blurry effect on anything that moves, this is why the person that’s moving appears as a ghost-like figure (close to the stairs), and the people in the background, who are is standing still, appears sharper.

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Motion Blur



Today we are dealing with the movement/motion of an object (people/things). When taking moving objects they tends to blur out to show the movement but at the same time a specific area is in focus.  What I like about this photo is that the overall framing of the door is in focus while the swinging door creates a blurred effect. The photo gives off a ghost type feeling since we aren’t able to see the person in the image.  To achieve the blurred effect we have to set our camera shutter speed to be slow. In this photo, the shutter speed was set to 0.8″ while the aperture is set to F/8.0.

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Motion Blur

IMG_3073The shutter speed for this photo is 3.2 seconds.I came up with the idea to have two people moving at the same time while one person stays stationary.The person who is still is the main focus point and is not blurred. I thought that it would come out looking as if people were moving through time while the subject stayed the same. Now that I look at the photo it looks as if there are two ghost standing at the top of the stair case looking down at the subject. Its very ghostlike.

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Motion Blur – Personal Best

motion blur in action

motion blur in action

This my personal best picture from my group , i love it for the different effects of motion blue of the person walking as well as the motion blur that can be seen in the elevator .

We got this picture by standing in the hallway in font of the elevator, by slowing down the shutter speed. (1/4000th of a second) an setting the camera to a Small Apertures.


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Motion Blur


When we take a photo with the motion, we need to use three things to create a moving subject.  Shutter Speed, ISO and AV.  I took this photo with ISO is 100, Shutter Speed is 2 seconds and AV is f/16

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This photo is amazing. The motion of the elevators closing is outstanding , and still having someone focused such as Lou Lou (the person to the left) in the image creates a good composition. The aperture for this photo is 14 and the shutter speed is 1.6 sec. Overall this is my favorite shot by my group and this was definitely well captured.


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Motion Blur



This is my favorite out of the 10 images we picked. The person on the elevator looks like a ballerina dancing. The person actually just got in the elevator and turn around. We got this image by waiting by the elevator. Also we got lucky because that elevator didn’t really open that much.

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LL6 Motion Blur


This photo was taken with both subjects jumping with longer shutter speed. Shutter speed 2.5, F10, and ISO 100. I like this photo because of the transparency of both subjects and able to see the light in the background. There is also depths from the subject and the background. There is also balance in the image.

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