Painting with light



My group got this picture by using a strobe light to capture the subject and using a 20″ shutter speed to capture the light. We took this picture twice because we wanted to ensure that there is a connection between the subject and the light.

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Painting with light


In this image we used a blue filter in front of the light to create the blue effect on the me. I posed when the flash went off, and immediately after painted the heart on my chest. I think this image is effective because of the contrast between blue and red, and light and dark, to me the blue represents a coldness, yet the heart is still “warm”. I also like how the heart is not perfect, it’s jumping. Overall I liked this assignment because it allows for a lot of creativity.


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Painting with Light


This is my personal best mostly because of the halo. Two of my classmates did each wing behind the subject and painted the halo. I dont know how I formed that butterfly looking thing in the middle but that mistake was beautiful and was the cherry on top. =0)

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Painting with Lights-Leslie Picon


This image is my favorite because the halo looks like there is this a fairy. Also I love the color of the wings. When we did this we had 3 people and also the shot was in 20 seconds. I look like I’m very happy and ready to fly with my wings. It took us 3 times to get this shot. The first two we messed up and the wings looked out of shape.


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Painting With Light


This was one of my favorite images taken in this shoot. The tint of the image gives it a sci-fi feel and the circles created by the light doesn’t only frame her, it also adds on to the sci-fi theme.


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LL8 Henry Huang

Painting with light is using long exposure time and lights to create images. This image was taken in 10 second shutter speed and used one flashlight. We have the pose and just worked around him mainly on the hand. I like this image because of the expression and the way the light make it look like he is controlling it.

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Painting With Light



This one is my favorite because of the outlined shape. It looks like the dead body outline although he is standing up. To get this shot we had to go through many takes (it really was a group effort). Once the flash went  off, I had to start outlining his body from behind him so that I could get his full image. The photographer helped to decide where I should start with the outline so that I could finish before the 10 sec. We also thought of using color but the bare light seemed to be the strongest for the photo.

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Painting with Light


This was my favorite image that was taken by my group. We were having trouble capturing his face though because we hadn’t had the strobe light. The flashlight being under him really adds to the distorted emotion. The crown really makes it look like he’s almost an evil king. The image was taken with a 10 second shutter speed. If I could change one thing though, was to emphasize it even more by taking it in a low angle shot. Overall, this is my favorite image; it has a powerful feeling to it.

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Painting with light

IMG_4017Painting with light is a fun technique that gives great results. It is called painting with light because this is what you are actually doing while taking the shot – painting with light.

To paint with ligth we will need

1. A camera capable of long exposures

2. A tripod because of the  long exposures you want to make sure your camera sits still.

3. A flash light

4. A dark location.


Here is how it’s done:

Step one : Set your camera on the tripod and take a sample shot with flash / lights on.

Step 2: Set the exposure to a relatively long value. Stop down the aperture as much as you need.

Make the click. Once the shutter is open use your flashlight to light the stuff that you want to “paint”. You can use the flashlight as a brash, and “smear” the light, just like you would have done with brush and paper.

Once the shutter closes. Inspect your image and make corrections.

Here is my best shot

In a dark room and i had my group mates Jennifer and kelman paint  with the ligth in a  contour motion .  We used several colors to make a strong effect  to draw different sometimes  imaginary parts of your object.



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Painting with light

IMG_1538I really like this photo of Angel because he has a serious expression and the main focus of this photo is the light. The light is drawn into a ball and it looks like the ball is full of energy. This photo was taken by Mei, the aperture is F16, 10″ shutter speed and with an ios of 100.


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