Category Archives: Learning Logs

Even A Chair Can Be A Model

  The following photograph was taken as a class assignment. Working in a group of 3, we manage to capture over 20 photograph of a simple chair. Out of all the 20’s photo we took, this image capture my full … Continue reading

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This is a good example of Symmetrical, Strong horizontal line, Vertical line and Eye-level.  Also, a high contrast.  The bottom of line very dark.

Posted in LL 1-Composition | 1 Comment

In Class Shoot of Chair.

I chose this picture because I like the shapes in it, the extreme close up, along with the lines on the floor, are creating abstract forms, which appeals to me. This image has got strong vertical lines with some curves. … Continue reading

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Lesson 2

This photograph is well captured in my opinion because when capturing this image i focused on the screw that allowed the outer part of this photo to become blurry which can be related to the term shallow depth of field. … Continue reading

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I took this photograph in the staircase. As a group we had a really hard time representing symmetry. We didn’t want to incorporate the chair into a white wall like everyone else would. We placed the chair in between both … Continue reading

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Leg Frame

This image happened to be my favorite out of my group. I really love the strong curves in the image as well as the shallow depth of field exhibited between the frame legs and the carpet. I also appreciate the … Continue reading

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Chair PhotoShoot {inClass Group Assignment}

I chose this Picture because of the contrast with light from the dark class room , with the bright light outside. For me this photo shoot , the chair was almost talking to me and showing me his lonely life alone … Continue reading

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Lesson 2: using composition

This is my favorite picture because it’s using the rule of thirds as well as shallow depth of field. Also the strong vertical line contrast with the x in the background makes it’s visually interesting.

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Henry Huang LL2

I like this photo because of the curve line and the shallow depth of field. It is also a symmetrical image and a close-up shot. The legs of the chair is very dark and the overall image has a low … Continue reading

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What I like about this photo

I like this image because it gives a high contrast to the viewer’s eye. There isn’t much going on in this picture but the light shining on top of this chair in the middle of the image. This image is … Continue reading

Posted in LL2-Using Composition | 1 Comment