painting with light


The shutter speed of this photo is 5.0 with a strobe light. I like this photo because the light looks like fire coming out of his hands & the light on his face looks like its being illuminated by the “fire.” For this photo I stood behind the subject to wait until the strobe light stopped flashing, than I popped up from behind him and painted with the flashlight covered with a red filter.

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Painting With Light



This is my favorite from our “Painting with Light” session today. We took this photo in conjunction with the strobe light and utilizing a second person (who is hiding below before the strobe went off) who painted the light after the flash went off. The shutter speed was 6″ which means it was open for 6 seconds, allowing us to create the effect of the fireball. I also think the effect from lighting is effective because it appears as if the light from the fireball is illuminating my face.

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Painting with Light


Painting with light could be use for many things including to communicate emotions. The meaning of the drawings could also reflect other meanings such as speed and movement. To take this picture we set a shutter speed of 8″, ISO of 100 and F-stop of 16. Right after the flash fired the 8 seconds gave us time to draw with flash light and filters to create shapes.


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Portrait Lighting for Mood

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During this class we use different station that each had an specific lighting to create the mood for the image. These two pictures were my most successful. On the first one we see a lighting mood that creates a dark and mysterious look almost sad and depressing. On the second picture is a normal picture with different lights to isolate the subject from the background.

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Kairise Pina 2 pics lighting


I chose this image because it looked very captivating. It was fun shooting this photo due to the fact that we used a fan to blow her her hair back. This created a natural look and made her look as if she was glowing. The shadows over powers half of her face which makes the other half pop out. I like this picture because her face is highlighted.



This image was fun to look at because she looks joyful. When capturing this image the model was shaking her head which was a bit challenging to capture the moment. This is very refreshing to look at because her hair is in motion and you can see every detail. The bright light in the back makes it very clear to look at especially with the hair movement.

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Best 2 – Lighting 11/13/13 — Darren Parvatan


I chose this image on top as one of my favorite pictures due to the dark nature of the photo. Carolyn sinks into the dark background and along with her facial expression gives the audience a sense of fear. The mood is very shady as her eyes give you this grimacing look yet at the same time obscure. You can’t really decipher whether she’s in pain or she’s just plotting something evil. This picture was captured through side lighting and a gold reflector.



I chose this as my second favorite picture because it the complete opposite of the previous picture. Instead of portraying a dark nature this one is more playful and fun. This picture was shot with a white background from a birds eye view which makes Carolyn’s head appear larger than every other part of her body. The funny facial expression Carolyn gives makes her more approachable due to her portrayed silly nature compared to the last where one might be afraid of her.

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Portrait Lighting for Mood – Two Best


I chose this first image as one of my best because of the dark mood and extreme contrast. I was able to accomplish this by using side lighting without a reflector. I love the way Jorge seems to fade into the background – which emphasizes the mood. He looks sad and alone while slowly fading into the background.


My second favorite is an example of a traditional three light portrait lighting with  key, fill, and background lights. The original shot was actually an accident, Jorge was fixing his hat while looking down but I thought it would be more effective with his looking directly at his audience. We retook the shot and he now looks more relaxed and approachable.

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I chose this picture as one of my personal best because the white space in the background blends well with her portrait. The lighting illuminates her face, and matches well with her sweatshirt. This station felt very playful and fun so it goes well her expression. I tried making her as comfortable as she could be, but she had no problem doing that herself. This pictures shows innocences and fun and I chose the opposite for my second favorite picture.


This is a good example of broad lighting. Most of her face is illuminated and the rest of her body is darker which creates a very serious picture. The way she appears out of the background definitely shouts professionalism. Her face automatically changed along with the lighting which added more depth to the picture. I wish I took more shots of her facing the light because it creates the perfect illusion.



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2 best pictures

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The photograph on the left creates an optical illusion that makes everything closer to camera lens appear bigger than what they really are in reality, the photograph somehow portrays innocence and creates a nice balance between the lower part and upper part of the photo.

the photograph on the right I believe that it creates a nice contrast between her color of her skin and the background with her left part of her face barely showing, making it more mysterious in a sense.


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2 Best – Lighting 11-13-13


The picture taken above uses what is known as beauty lighting. I like how the lighting gives her a soft glow. This type of effect produces very little shadows and was created by have a light directly in front of the subject and two behind her, as well as a reflector placed underneath her face.




The effect in this shot was created by having a single light focused on one side of the subjects face and a warm fill light (created with a reflector) on the other side. There are dark shadows in this shot creating a dark and mysterious effect.

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