Category Archives: Uncategorized

Kairise Pina 2 pics lighting

I chose this image because it looked very captivating. It was fun shooting this photo due to the fact that we used a fan to blow her her hair back. This created a natural look and made her look as … Continue reading

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Best 2 – Lighting 11/13/13 — Darren Parvatan

I chose this image on top as one of my favorite pictures due to the dark nature of the photo. Carolyn sinks into the dark background and along with her facial expression gives the audience a sense of fear. The … Continue reading

Posted in LL6-Portrait Lighting for Mood, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

I chose this picture as one of my personal best because the white space in the background blends well with her portrait. The lighting illuminates her face, and matches well with her sweatshirt. This station felt very playful and fun … Continue reading

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2 Best – Lighting 11-13-13

The picture taken above uses what is known as beauty lighting. I like how the lighting gives her a soft glow. This type of effect produces very little shadows and was created by have a light directly in front of … Continue reading

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Lighting Direction

Put of all the pictures that my group took this one is the one that stood up for me. The extreme close up and direction of the light coming from the left side of the flower. You can see every … Continue reading

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3 Point Lighting

I’ve been taking pictures all my life without realizing the many components to take into consideration. 3 Point Lighting is used mainly in studio, where the subject is illuminated with light in different angles to support every pose and makes … Continue reading

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3 Point Lighting

The light direction in a photograph determines what type of feeling is set for the picture. Background light separates the subject to the background and give it space in between them. Short light and broad light are use to light … Continue reading

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Three-Point Lighting – Darren Parvatan

Three-Point Lighting is when the light is positioned in three different positions so the subject can be illuminated as desired. The background light is the one that is pointed towards the back drop to make the subject stand out. The … Continue reading

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lighting basics

The three points of lighting in photography is main light, fill and background light. Main light is the light used to light the subject. Its usually the light with the soft box or umbrella. Fill light adds light to the … Continue reading

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gallery report

Nick Brandt Nick Brandt is a photographer who does a lot of his work to get money for charity and help preserve the wildlife in africa, hence all of the photographs of africa’s wild animals. The emotional impact is huge, … Continue reading

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