Category Archives: Learning Logs

LL4 – Lighting

  This is my favorite photo of class today and it was taken with a side light spotlight with a honeycomb filter.  The lighting from the side really brings out the texture of the leaves down to the small and … Continue reading

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LL4 – Lighting

I chose this picture as my personal best because the way the light hits the flower creates a bright yellow color that illuminates to whole shot. The dark middle of the sunflower against the petals shows a beautiful contrast. I … Continue reading

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Lighting Bria King

I chose this photo as my favorite photograph because of the focus on the sun flower. Shallow depth of field is present in this photo as well. The part thats in focus really allows you to see the details in … Continue reading

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lighting direction

the lighting gives the sunflowers sort of a majestic feel to it, by focusing only on the flowers we are able to experience and see more of its beauty. The subject and the way lighting work in this picture kind … Continue reading

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LL4-Lighting Direction

Post a small version of the best photo you took today. Write a short description of the lighting. How does the light create the mood of the photograph?

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Gallery Report

1. Pace Gallery: Irving Penn, On Assignment The exhibit at this gallery was on the work of Irving Penn and showcased his work over the course of his lifetime. A large portion of his work shown was of people, with … Continue reading

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Botanic Garden Trip

This was one of, if not my favorite picture taken from the Botanic Garden trip. I chose this one because it has a great contrast of light and dark. It almost seems as if there is a dim spotlight on … Continue reading

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Daguerreotype – BHS

During the trip to the Brooklyn Historical Society, I learned about the daguerreotype and how it completely changed the experience of both taking and viewing photographs. It wasn’t so long ago that people had to commission a painting to have a portrait … Continue reading

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Brooklyn Historical Society – Crystal Pena

The daguerreotypes that we learned about today at the Brooklyn Historical Society are very different from the photographs we have taken Over the course of this semester and since the invention of digital cameras. In our photographs today, the subjects are … Continue reading

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LL3-BHS Bria King

The daguerreotype and a digital photograph has a lot of differences. A daguerreotype is printed with negatives. The negatives allow us to see the border created from the film strips. There was no editing done to the daguerreotype. They are taken … Continue reading

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